what are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming

Advantages of intensive livestock farming. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.Ronald Reagan (b. - It usually generates low economic profits for the farmers. This type of farming was once the only type of agriculture, but as the population grew, farmers had to find ways to produce more food with less land. Yield is usually low, and fish farmers do not get high returns; It uses up plenty of lands that can be used for other agricultural practices, Some of the advantages of fish farming (also known as aquaculture) include regulating supply and demand in the seafood industry, keeping the price of fish reasonable and partially mitigating overfishing in the wild. What are the disadvantages of biodynamic farming? High crop yield IF provides high crop yields. Intensive farming not only involves horticulture, but also livestock farming. Moreso, the cost of fertilizer which is quite expensive can be done without. Sheep provide two sources of cash income: lamb and wool. It is an effective way to reduce over-exploitation of fish resources. The amount of equipment and methods required to harvest crops and livestock is minimal since it only involves one type. The local climate simply would not allow it. False! Extensive farming is more environmentally sustainable than intensive farming, though some practices like pastoralism expose domesticated animals to predators and disease. False! In that case, I can increase the efficiency, maximize my space and increase the profit I can collect at the end of the season. Their cattle herds graze freely in and around the Serengeti, intermingling with local wildlife. The use of intensive farming has caused more damage to our soil than almost any other activity. Disadvantages of Intensive Farming Poor living conditions and hygiene for livestock. Polymer types and respective properties. Aquaculture is nearly a multibillion-dollar industry. Having the animals so tightly held in an area makes it hard to keep clean and often leads to filthy living conditions. An example of extensive farming includes the pastoralism practiced by the Maasai in East Africa. In other words, the more you put in, the more you get out. (Source http://www.buzzle.com/articles/advantages-and-disadvantages-for-intensive-farming.html), Thanks for give a piece of some important informations. The latter are more damaging to the planet. Initially, I thought that this would result in less food. Since many production processes have gotten offset to machines, farmers can easily monitor progress. Poultry farming can include more than chickens. Site selection burning slashing cultivation abandonment fallow. 1. Unlike traditional farming, where you would need to consider all the different crop types in intensive agriculture, we only need to understand a single crop or animal type. Social sustainability With the human population continuing to rise, it is vital that the agricultural industry becomes more sustainable to meet the needs of the growing population. As you might imagine, intensive farming is the opposite of extensive farming: large inputs of labor relative to the farmland. With its vast size and scale the intensive farming industry is a major contributor of waste. The farmers can select the fish species with desired characteristics to raise. It is practiced widely by many developed economies of the world. 6 . Extensive farming is where the inputs are comparatively less. Ns utilizamos cookies para coletar e analisar informaes relativas ao uso, navegao e performance deste site, bem como oferecer contedos personalizados compatveis com os seus interesses. Increased chemical applications are dangerous both to nature and the human body. Economic sustainability 2. Knowing the different definitions, now it is time to understand some advantages and disadvantages of intensive and extensive livestock. Additionally, there are some environments where crop cultivation is simply an exercise in futilitywhich leads us to location. Will you pass the quiz? - Extensive livestock areas are usually owned by producer families, they are usually small and are exploited in a traditional way, without the use of highly elaborate and / or sophisticated infrastructure. The resistance applies to many different species of weeds that are becoming more and more resistant also. In addition, the physical characteristics of the soil and a wide variety of plant types are needed to keep these organisms flourishing. Which of the following statements about extensive agriculture is MOST accurate? Because of the larger area, we are not maximizing results here. This means the labor or cost exerted on a plot of land is proportionally minimal. When they are the futile struggle for love and concern and protection, they may become the warped and ruthless machinations of adults who seek in the advantages of power what they could never win as children.Leontine Young (20th century), We work harder than ever, and I cannot see the advantages in cooperative living.Lydia Arnold, U.S. commune supervisor (of the North American Phalanx, Red Bank, New Jersey, 1843- 1855), But there are advantages to being elected President. This is true whether you're a nomad by choice, or whether climate conditions encourage a nomadic lifestyle. Along with the great aspects of sheep, like being amazing grass eaters, come some other not so great aspects to raising sheep that you'll want to consider before you get started with your first flock. - The areas in which extensive cattle farming is carried out are usually isolated and small, so they have little possibility of competing with the large producers; this makes it difficult for them to access a larger audience. A nomadic farming community shepherds its cattle herd from place to place, allowing it to graze freely. These characteristics mean that extensive livestock farming is considered by some as less efficient in the economic, environmental and even social fields. Let's take a look at three different extensive farming methods. On the other hand, in intensive livestock farming, the land used for feeding livestock is not used, since it is a very small space in relation to the number of animals that live there. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. All-in, all-out explained. Artificial produce cannot be compared to a natural one. Some regions are seeing a 90% loss of some species. These are the things eaten that are thought to be all natural. GM crops are biologically altered. Best Answer. Pest problems have been an area of concern with mono-crops for several decades now. 3. It is possible that it complements its diet with other foods, but mainly it is based on the local herbs that it obtains through grazing. This is not universally the case, but purely from an efficiency standpoint, intensive agriculture usually comes out on top. Emitir Certificado. What is an example of extensive land use in agriculture? Compared to fishing, these systems make it possible to selectively increase the production of the species most in demand for man. It has also prevented the conversion of the surrounding commercial pieces of land into agricultural land. The groups are closely matched by age, weight, production stage and condition. Whats the difference between intensive and extensive farming? As the nutritional value of our soils continues to get more depleted, the crops grown on the land begin to reduce their nutritional value. What Does Dr Michael Mosley Recommend For Breakfast? It helps the farmer to easily supervise and monitor the land and protect his livestock from being hurt or hounded by dangerous wild animals. Lower requirements of inputs such as fertilizers. Some of the main characteristics of shifting cultivation are: Shifting cultivation plots regenerate more quickly than other types of cleared forest plots. Larger farm size: Farm size in extensive farming are very large, often exceeding 250 hectares. Have all your study materials in one place. Nomadic herding is typically practiced in areas where no other agricultural methods are practical, such as North Africa and Mongolia. Copy. Impact of Monoculture on Food SecurityMonoculture Fish FarmingMonoculture Farming Benefits and Disadvantages, [1]https://www.britannica.com/topic/intensive-agriculture[2]https://www.beep.ac.uk/content/339.0.html[3]https://greentumble.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-monoculture-farming/#specialized[4]https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/advantages-disadvantages-examples-monoculture.php[5]https://livestock247.com/blog/2021/03/03/intensive-farming-advantages-disadvantages/[6]https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237947171_The_extent_of_monoculture_and_its_effects_on_insect_pest_populations_with_particular_reference_to_wheat_and_cotton[7]http://vaclavsmil.com/wp-content/uploads/docs/smil-article-worldagriculture.pdf[8]https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/sep/12/third-of-earths-soil-acutely-degraded-due-to-agriculture-study[9]https://sentientmedia.org/intensive-agriculture/[10]https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/meat/safe/overview.html[11]https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-aND-NUTRITION-LOSS/[12]https://www.farmmanagement.pro/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-intensive-farming/. In Sweden, this practice is called svedjebruk. Intensive farming provides more significant production with less space and labor to maximize profits. It becomes cheaper, as animals remove inputs from the land itself. In extensive livestock there is a low density of animals per hectare; on the other hand, intensive livestock farming seeks to use as many livestock as possible in a given space. What is the best example of extensive land use in agriculture? Is it appropriate to call this farm a "ranch"? Jay Rayner, a restaurant critic of the Observer says, Sure, it might be cruel, but intensive farming saves lives. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Advantages. The demand for more food at a lower price is the primary factor driving the need to create intensive agriculture systems. So be sure to follow our exclusive content on Robustecs blog and check out our complete line of agro-agricultural products for you to guarantee the best implements on your property! Traditional farming requires much more management and time. Each group is moved into a phase of production together, such as . [PDF] Extensive or intensive fish farming? This article will explore all the different advantages and disadvantages of using intensive agriculture. In areas of the world where climate effects are generally uniform, the spatial distribution of extensive and intensive farms largely boils down to land costs and bid-rent theory. This technique eradicates diseases caused by soil organisms but the plant needs constant support, supervision, and is grown in areas where theres no soil. Planting, watering, and harvesting can be done on a mass scale with current farming equipment when it only has to be configured for a single crop type. The need is met without generating additional expenses and bringing good results. Suppose the three acres we mentioned above were instead used to plant, grow, and harvest 75,000 corn plants, including the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers to ensure maximum yield. It is very difficult to pick a side in the debate regarding intensive farming. And, did you like to know more about the main differences between Intensive Livestock and Extensive Livestock? Advantage Less use of pesticide Less POPs in environment Less defforestation Less disturbance to soil No loss of biodiversity Protection to wildlifes Protection of watersheds Disadvantage Less production of food Cannnot fulfill basic needs of growing population Environment. Practices like hand-weeding and dirt enhancement together with the mulch, corn gluten meal, garlic, and olive oil, table salt, and borax not just eliminate insects and weeds, but also assure crop quality. Small family farms depend more on income earned from non-farming activities than farming. Labor Intensive Possibility of poor quality food products. - Livestock feed on the grass and meadows found in the area used. Irrigation is one of the most feasible ways to grow cash crops like sugarcane, tobacco, etc. The use of chemical hormones in food. Apart from that, large farming spaces are required to cultivate organic crops using natural manure. Sheep production does not require elaborate facilities and equipment. Fig. Your IP: Disadvantages: Intensive farming involves the use of various kinds of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides. Nomadic herding, also called pastoral nomadism or nomadic pastoralism, is about as extensive as it gets. These organisms are beneficial and detrimental to society. According to the United Nations backed study from 2017, one-third of the planets soils are degraded due to inconsiderate methods used in the modern agriculture.Third of Earth's soil is acutely degraded due to agriculture www.theguardian.com. Less use of pesticide Less POPs in environment Less defforestation Less disturbance to soil No loss of biodiversity Protection to wildlifes Protection of watersheds Fish Farming Advantages & Disadvantages | Bizfluent Fish Farming Advantages & Disadvantages The Fundamental Problem. The Maasai almost always retaliate by killing the lions. By contrast, intensive farming more or less requires you to settle in one place permanently. It results into increase in sedimentation towards downstream side of river. Select all that apply. - As a consequence of the above, some experts point out that extensive livestock farming implies loss of biodiversity and deforestation. 3 - Maasai cattle intermingle with giraffes. Animal welfare is generally improved because animals are not kept in stifling conditions. Cleaning robots have got produced to remove the waste from the stables promptly. Areas in which shifting cultivation is practised have low humidity. Many farms are still using fossil fuels to provide energy to the equipment since it is cheaper and more efficient than renewable sources. True or False: Extensive agriculture is not practiced at all in Europe. The farmer confines all the pigs within a building and does not allow them to move out. This kind of farming is predominantly done in temperate areas such as the US and Canada. However, advantages never come for free. However, with the introduction of intensive farming, the space, equipment, and other requirements for farming are less and more economical. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[970,250],'greener4life_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_22',133,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-greener4life_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); Because of the reduced soil quality to maintain high yields, farmers need to apply fertilizers (usually synthetic) to keep up crop productivity. Then, the next generations start to get born with the same pesticide resistance. Keeping fish in close proximity increases the chances of disease. The production is usually based on seasonal produce, and incorporates lower-input methods. Extensive farming is ideal for the farming of animals since the labor force required for rearing the animals will be lesser. Unexpected weather, pests, and warning signs of disease become easier to identify and mitigate for the farmer. The use of machinery and scientific methods of farming produce a large quantity of crops. Followings are the major advantages of irrigation systems. What are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming? All-in, all-out systems keep pigs together in groups as they move through the phases of production. What are the problems of intensive farming class 10? For this, more advanced technologies and techniques are used, as well as genetic manipulation and artificial insemination. But let's expand a little bit on some of what we mentioned above. Which of the following terms is MOST appropriate for their farming method? Maasai men, armed with spears, guard the herds. 1 - A Moroccon desert is not the ideal location to practice intensive farming. ERS 324, Km 75 Linha Anita Garibaldi, Products, such as eggs, meat, and other agricultural items that are easily available in many supermarkets today are produced using modern intensive farming methods. Here are several benefits of integrated farming system: The integrated farming system boosts food security in Nigeria by increasing food production. This farming technique is also applied in supplying livestock. What are the advantages and disadvantages of peasant farming? Sustainable intensive farming, intensive aquaculture, intensive livestock farming, and management-intensive grazing fall under this farming category. As a result, many farmers in Northern Europe practice extensive slash-and-burn agriculture. False! Ranching is therefore a type of farming. Another advantage is that large productivity of food is possible with less amount of land. Improper disposal of waste. But there are both advantages and disadvantages: Advantages. There is less pressure to be economically "efficient" the further you are from the CBD. - By developing in open spaces, they greatly reduce the risks of fires. Extensive farming can still pop up in climates that do support intensive agriculture, and in that case, it often boils down to cost-effectiveness relative to rent and real estate prices. There are both advantages and disadvantages of intensive farming, but compared to the disadvantages, the advantages are less and thus ultimately, it focuses on for moving to sustainable agriculture. In intensive farming, the land is limited and expensive, whereas extensive farming is quite large and not that expensive. We use the term "extensive farming" to classify agriculture that falls more toward the "decent amount" end of the spectrum. In the developed world, the average lifespan is approaching 85 years for top nations. Your email address will not be published. What are the characteristics of extensive farming? The farmers may be nomads, or they may have a sedentary lifestyle with just the farms themselves changing location. "Situation of extensive livestock in Spain" in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment. We have seen the benefits of fish farming in Nigeria, now let us see the disadvantages. Thus, the nutritional and medicinal needs of livestock are more easily met. Intensive farming focuses on investing a lot of resources and labor into small tracts of land in order to increase yield. Local environment and soil are not damaged by overuse of chemicals. You could say that under this technique, food is produced in large quantities with the help of chemical fertilizers and pesticides that are appropriately used to save such agricultural land from pests and crop diseases. Because of all of the drawbacks of intensive agriculture and its unsustainability, companies need to focus on more sustainable options. 3. As is evident, the most important disadvantage of extensive agriculture is that, unlike intensive agriculture, its farms take longer to provide economic benefits . You visit a local alpaca farm. A Robustec utiliza cookies para analisar o trfego do site, preservar a sua sesso e personalizar o contedo. Grants and loans to buy new seeds and equipment. Advantages of Extensive Livestock The large area for grazing acts as an advantage for extensive livestock. Extensive farming refers to systems that use relatively small amounts of inputs, such as human labor, machinery such as tractors, and investment. Food production farming focuses on investing a lot of resources and labor maximize! Mean that what are the advantages and disadvantages of extensive farming livestock eaten that are becoming more and more efficient renewable. No other agricultural methods are practical, such as North Africa and.. Developing in open spaces, they greatly reduce the risks of fires organic crops using manure! Mono-Crops for several decades now be compared to a natural one side river. 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