California is going to do more to protect protestors seeking police reform, and the reporters covering their demonstrations. One of the most controversial provisions of the law authorizes the Council to set a minimum wage of up to $22 per hour in 2023, an increase of $6.50 per hour from California's $15.50 per hour minimum wage scheduled to take effect in January. Lets talk trash, California. California announces, 8 California cities ranked among Top 10 worst drivers, SoCal on storm watch with days of rain, snow expected. Wagoner says Sacramento will begin its organic waste collection in the summer, but that will be just combined with your yard waste bin., So you shouldn't expect necessarily to get another bin unless there wasn't one already for that government, Wagoner said. The new laws listed below become effective January 1, 2022 unless otherwise noted. Starting in the 2022-23 school year, public schools will be required to stock restrooms with free pads or tampons. Sign up for How To LA, delivered weekday mornings. Gavin Newsom in October. The punishment for this offense ranges from 3 to 7 years in prison. Consent is paramount during any sexual act, and California law now gives victims of sexual battery more power to hold perpetrators accountable. Even before the pandemic, Californians were increasinglyconcerned about mental health care: Surveys showed people thought such care was too hard to access, and that they had to wait too long for it. You have some cities that only hire officers with a college degree, those municipalities tend to be more highly resourced, Gardner said. And another suit from supporters of the law also addresses the implementation. A new law protects families traveling from places where there are efforts to criminalize gender-affirming care. Advocates say it could help with the states housing crisis by making it easier to add more units of housing. A man jaywalks across California Street in San Francisco on April 7, 2020. They say that attorneys have waited years in some cases, as long as a decade to file suit, allowing damages and thus fees to build. Assembly Bill 362 requires cities and counties to enforce uniform, statewide health and safety standards at homeless shelters the same as mandated for residential dwellings. AILSA CHANG, HOST: A new California law protects families who travel to the state . Gavin Newsom hundreds of bills that he signed into law, including several with major consequences for Californians. Several of the laws mark national "firsts" - first minimum wage to reach $15 an hour, first to protect warehouse workers from quotas, first to mandate hourly wages for garment workers, first to. There will be new limits on what plastic packaging can be labeled with the "chasing arrows" recycling symbol. Cities can start working toward lowering speed limits in 2022, but cant enforce them until June 30, 2024, or whenever the state creates an online portal to adjudicate the new infractions whichever comes sooner. Zero Net Carbon Continuing Education. The hens have to be housed with a minimum of 144 square inches per hen. The aim of the bill is to reduce the amount of organic trash that goes to landfills, which makes up a third of what goes to the landfill, CalRecycle said. Gavin Newsom signed several laws impacting California employers. San Francisco's Democratic Senator Scott Wiener drafted measure SB487 in an effort to address Californias housing crisis. Starting in 2022 that will be illegal in California. Attorney Claire Collins of the law firm Hanson Bridgett helped write the bill. We dont allow any minors at Fizz. And she argues thats a worthwhile tradeoff. Almost 100 public agencies backed the bill, which was signed by Gov. We just want to make sure that theres ample time for everybody to be able to contribute to the regulations that youre asking them to commit to, Canete said. Businesses are also to start donating edible food that was intended to be trashed. The law would not prohibit the sale of used gas-powered machinery. Senate Bill 210 directs CARB to develop a "Heavy-Duty Vehicle Maintenance and Inspection Program" applicable to all vehicles greater than 14,000 pounds operating in California. New police officers will now need to be 21 years old and hold a bachelor's degree. Being able to upzone on that property obviously makes it much more valuable as a commodity for those investors and developers that are seeking to capitalize on how many units can you squeeze per square foot or per single-family lot, Heath said. Heres a breakdown of 11 of those new laws taking effect in 2022, most of which lawmakers approved in the last session (a few videos cover more than one new law on the same subject). These so-called burners can still be held liable if a prescribed fire gets out of control, but only if they are grossly negligent. The bills. Juvenile Justice SB 92 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review) - This is a budget trailer bill within the overall 2020-21 budget package with technical changes necessary to implement the realignment of the Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) that was included in . Law also requires drinks be in sealed and labeled containers and picked up by the customer, who must still provide identification. A law passed in 2018 required corporations to add more women to their boards of executives. Senate Bill 10 makes it easier for local governments to build multifamily housing, allowing them to bypass much of the environmental review. A new law that takes effect Friday requires middle schools to start no earlier than 8 a.m. and high schools to start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. This law aims to change that. Advocates say itll cut down on debt and let trainees in the industry get to work faster. It requires that breeding pigs, egg-laying chickens and veal calves have enough room to stand and turn around. The bill calls for businesses to help reduce what's called short-lived climate pollutants. Assembly Bill 89 would require all community colleges in California to create a universal policing curriculum, and it would raise the minimum age for new officers from 18 to 21. Meat industry critics say it's going to drive the price of meat way up, and cause a meat shortage. AB1171 eliminates criminal code that treats spousal rape differently from rape, making prison time and sex offender registration mandatory in those cases. To help California architects prepare for rapidly changing building standards and client expectations, and to be leaders in the country, . In 2021 the Legislatures super-majority of Democrats sent Gov. Calves intended to be sold as veal must be housed with a minimum of 43 square feet per calf. The program will take effect in phases depending. Assembly Bill 257, which was signed by the Governor on Labor Day, is purportedly aimed at the "fast food" industry (restaurants part of a chain of 100 or more establishments), although the bill's broad definition may include many fast-casual restaurants and many other types of business beyond what most people would consider "fast food." Duplexes, triplexes and four-plexes could start popping up in neighborhoods currently zoned for single-family housing thanks to Senate Bill 9. Some begin in 2022 and others in the following years. SACRAMENTO, Calif. As dozens of new California laws are set to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2022, some address more recently relevant topics like voting accessibility, menstrual products in . Many of these bills-turned-laws and ballot-measures-finally-going-into-effect wont necessarily surface in your everyday lives. AB43 gives cities new authority to reduce their speed limits. Senate Bill 389 extends pandemic-era rules allowing the sale of takeout alcoholic drinks through 2026. Two contentious housing construction laws. This state has long fashioned itself as a planet protector but in 2022 its taking it to a new level. Californias New Compost Law Starts In January. But for decades, strict zoning laws have allowed developers to build mostly single-family homes. Gov. In March 2019, Garrow published an ACLU report documenting conditions at homeless shelters in Orange County. One new law will change how Californians dispose of banana peels, chicken bones and leftover veggies under a mandatory residential food waste recycling program. A new law will make it possible for concerned family members, teachers, coworkers and employers to ask a judge to seize ghost guns from someone they think could be a danger to themselves or others. The bill was drafted in response to "an increase in the fraudulent selling and subsequent misrepresentation of emotional support dogs as service dogs.". Here is a sampling of 44 new laws set to hit the State of California. Gavin Newsom signed a whopping 770 new laws in 2021, according to Cal Matters. Non-disclosure agreements also called NDAs are everywhere. AB701 enforces warehouse productivity quotas requiring companies to disclose their quotas, and prohibits them from punishing workers who take bathroom breaks or mandatory rest periods, and create legal paths for employees to challenge working conditions. A similar law, also aimed at reducing waste, is already in effect for single-use plastic straws. The new law sets a deadline of June 2023 for when the chancellor of the California Community Colleges must submit a draft curriculum, which could include courses like ethnic studies and psychology. Beginning January 1, 2022, California law significantly expands restrictions to prevent the use of non-disclosure provisions in cases of alleged workplace harassment or discrimination based on any characteristic protected under the FEHA, not just those based on sex. Dear reader, we're asking for your help to keep local reporting available for all today during our fall fundraiser. Its kind of the Wild West out there, said Eve Garrow, policy advocate at the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California, which supported the bill. SB81 directs judges considering sentencing enhancements to give greater weight to mitigating factors, such as whether the offense was connected to mental illness or childhood trauma and whether the enhancement is based on a prior conviction that is more than five years old. I really think its going to take a community effort, she said. The new law would also require that, in four years, all incoming officers have at least an associates or bachelors degree. The law takes effect on July 1, 2022. AB453 criminalizes the non-consensual removal of condoms during intercourse, known as stealthing., AB118 creates a pilot program to test community-based alternatives to a police response when people call 911. The new lot may not be less than 40% of the property and must be at least 1200 square feet; Modifications to the existing home may not require demolition of more than 25% of an exterior wall; Neither the new duplex nor the lot split can cause adverse impact to the physical environment; Both laws go into effect on January 1, 2022. That system worked well for the fashion industry, but meant garment workers were getting paid as little as $3 per hour. The hens have to be housed with a minimum of 144 square inches per hen. This legislation will relax the limits on square footage based on lot size to allow for smaller apartment buildings. SACRAMENTO - Governor Gavin Newsom today highlighted new bills signed into law in 2021 that will go into effect January 1, 2022, including historic measures to expand worker protections, tackle the state's housing crisis, redress historical injustices, increase voter access and more. The use of a minor for the sale or transportation of marijuana is considered a crime. Julian Canete, president of the California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, is one of the groups behind that suit. Familiarize yourself with these new regulations so you can stay compliant in the new year. Middle schools and high schools will soon be required to start class no earlier than 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m., respectively. When it comes to the new ESA laws in the state of California, there was a new law that was signed last September and that has gone into effect as of January 1, 2022. "We think that nobody should be able to lie to the public and we're just trying to get truth in labeling for recycling, said Heidi Sanborn, who heads an environmental group that pushed for the new law, the National Stewardship Action Council. used to get paid by the amount they produced, Police Shootings In 2021 Underscore Calls For Unarmed Response To Mental Health Crises, 10 New California Laws That Might Affect Your Everyday In 2022. That's about to change. Lawyer Rafa Sonnenfeld with advocate group Yes in My Backyard, a group that promotes new housing in communities, says its a return to a time before single-family zoning was used to exclude communities of color. Thats more than double the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour. Reduced maximum allowed speeds. New laws in California for 2022 include: SB9 creates a streamlined process to split lots, add second units to the properties and convert homes into duplexes. SB10 will build out existing neighborhoods, SB487 relaxes regulations that limits square footage for a project based on lot size. Nicholas Miller is re-entry co-coordinator for Re-Emerging Scholars at Sacramento City College, which serves incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students. Requiring composting and limiting 'recyclable' labels Let's talk trash, California. John Heath with Our Neighborhood Voices called the bills bad policy likely to result in unintended consequences. The bill was introduced by Assembly member Reggie Jones-Sawyer (DLos Angeles) and was signed by Gov. Jan. 5, 2022 9:05 AM PT. SB16 allows for more types of personnel records to be subject to public disclosure including those related to excessive use of force and sustained findings of failure to intervene, unlawful arrests and searches, and discrimination. Assembly Bill 1096 strikes the word alien from the California state code. AB958 makes police participating in a law enforcement gang, a group of officers within a department that engage in a pattern of rogue on-duty behavior a fire able offense, AB481 requires law enforcement agencies to seek approval from their local governing bodies when they buy surplus military equipment, AB26 requires Police Departments to adopt policies that mandate immediate reporting when an officer witnesses a colleague using excessive force and punishes those who do not intervene, AB490 prevents police from using restraints and transport other methods that carry a substantial risk of suffocating the suspect. Having in-person, robust instruction of courses inside the facility is incredibly important to demystify the college experience for a lot of these students, Miller said. With these two new laws, housing construction is going to look different. The Supreme Court already declined to hear one suit and is waiting to announce whether itll hear another. She says more than 80% of the single-use plastics Californian's put in recycle bins wind up in landfills instead. The U.N. chief tells the climate summit: Cooperate or perish, Politicians need to mobilize Black male voters ahead of the midterms, experts say, FAQ: What's at stake at the COP27 global climate negotiations, Why a Southern California congressional race hinges on Asian American voters, Here are the places where abortion is on the ballot (in one way or another) this week. Starting in 2022, all California residents and businesses will be required to sort their organic waste from the rest thanks to Senate Bill 1383. Industry groups say the law is a boost for bars and restaurants that make the bulk of their sales in alcohol but have been hurt by scaled-back in-person dining since early 2020. California Vehicle Code will define sideshow as an event in which two or more persons block or impede traffic on a highway for the purpose of performing motor vehicle stunts, motor vehicle speed contests, motor vehicle exhibitions of speed, or reckless driving for spectators. But dozens from recycling and policing to bacon and booze will affect your neighborhood, local businesses and home. The new law would . Some California cities already have higher minimum wages in effect. That part of the law is effective July 1, 2025. The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, signed this California ESA law. Shane Logan, the other Re-Emerging Scholars co-coordinator, says providing programs to incarcerated students impacts real lives.. Stripping bad cops of their badges For decades, bad cops could skirt discipline by jumping from one California police force to another. Senate Bill 323 becomes law on January 1 and requires any legal challenges to rate increases be filed within 120 days of the new rate taking effect. For decades, bad cops could skirt discipline by jumping from one California police force to another. So, comply with these new laws. This won't increase the number of units a student is required to complete to graduate. Assembly Bill 89 would require all community colleges in California to create a universal policing curriculum, and it would raise the minimum age for new officers from 18 to 21. It also bans the sale of products that dont meet the guidelines no matter where the animals were raised. Ultimately, the aim is also to reduce the greenhouse gases generated from organic materials decomposing in landfills. The first deadline passed Jan. 2020, and required that egg-laying hens have adequate space. The new laws listed below become effective January 1, 2022 unless otherwise noted. California is the first state to ban stealthing. Others went weeks without hot water or dealt with rodent and insect infestations, according to the report. Bubbles, booze and brew to-go for at least five more years. But for decades, strict zoning laws have allowed developers to build mostly single-family homes. Proposition 12 - the Farm Animal Confinement Proposition - was passed by Californians with overwhelming support in 2018. There are new laws ahead in 2022. We do have prescribed burn associations that are popping up all over the state. COVID-19 reporting ( AB 654) A consortium of restaurants, grocery stores and farmers says the state doesnt yet have regulations in place, despite wording in the initiative requiring it two years ago. Attorneys will have a much shorter window to file lawsuits against water and sewer rate hikes in California. Some municipalities have no standards. Ghost guns are guns that are purchased in parts and assembled at home, making them hard to track. Soon, being convicted of offenses like sexual assault and using excessive force will be enough to kick officers out of the profession in California. She says most people are now required to toss excess food into green waste bins. Customers are limited to two to-go alcoholic beverages per individual meal. The new law allows for the establishment of more canine blood banks that can collect donations from dogs, much like people donate blood to blood banks. Greg Newsom recently approved many California labor laws to take effect in 2022. Others could follow (2022, October 7 . The new law would . California businesses with fewer than 26 employees will have to raise their lowest wage to $15 starting the year after. Among other things, this law makes it easier for cities to upzone transit-dense areas, allowing for the development of more dense house of up to 10 units per parcel without a lengthy environmental review process. It applies to stores with 500 or more employees. Multifamily Developments Municipalities will then turn the food waste into compost or use it to create biogas. Los Angeles Times.