Bearing Fault Diagnosis under Variable Speed Using Convolutional Neural Networks and the Stochastic Diagonal Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm. For code generation, you can load the network by using the syntax In order to obtain the same receptive field with 7 7 convolution and capture more features, it is replaced with three 3 3 convolutions, which can reduce the number of parameters and learn more distinguishing features of the lesion edge region. Follow the steps of Classify Image Using GoogLeNet and replace GoogLeNet with ResNet-101.. To retrain the network on a new classification task, follow the steps of Train Deep Learning Network to Classify New Images and load ResNet-101 instead of GoogLeNet. The pure convolutional layer and pooling layer are changed to Inception architecture. ResNet101 classification results in confusion matrix; the accuracy rate is 94%. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. The pure convolutional layer and pooling layer are changed to the Inception architecture; 2. and transmitted securely. Lawrence S., Giles C.L., Tsoi A.C., Back A.D. Face recognition: A convolutional neural-network approach. Vakharia et al. Comparison of the parameters of the three methods. The short-term Fourier transform (STFT) is a time-frequency analysis method with a fixed time window. Figure 12 shows the vibration data of the imbalance motor failure. The syntax resnet101('Weights','none') is not Through the construction and solution of the constrained variational model, the signal was decoupled into several IMFs with limited bandwidth, and the signal was adaptively decomposed according to the frequency domain characteristics of the signal. An electric vehicle is essentially different from a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle. VMD is a non-recursive signal decomposition method that avoids the traditional EMD recursive component selection process. [30] studied the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) and machine learning models in bearing fault diagnosis. ResNet-18 is a convolutional neural network that is trained on more than a million images from the ImageNet database. Their research method used selected features, which were passed to SVM and the ANN to identify and further classify various bearing defects. Novel method for identifying and diagnosing electric vehicle shock absorber squeak noise based on a DNN. We first proposed ResNet101-C model, which takes ResNet101 as the backbone. These weights improve upon the results of the original paper by using TorchVisions new training recipe. VMD is a non-recursive adaptive signal decomposition method that is suitable for processing the vibration signals of motor equipment under variable working conditions. Qi et al. The X-axis is time in seconds, the Y-axis is frequency, and the Z-axis color represents power (dB). Dont hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. The laboratory results showed that the health status of induction motors could be successfully diagnosed. Html (accessed on 10 September 2021). For more pretrained Hilbert conversion of five IMFs of simulated motor fault data after VMD analysis results. The t in () represents a function of time. Additionally, the product calculation in the conduction process is addition, thus no matter how deep the network layer is, its gradient will never disappear. 101-layer and 152-layer ResNets: they construct 101-layer and 152-layer ResNets by using more 3-layer blocks . The research project of Murphey et al. The pretrained network can Murphey Y.L., Masrur M., Chen Z., Zhang B. Model-based fault diagnosis in electric drives using machine learning. lgraph = resnet101('Weights','none') Basicblock and Bottleneck structures are used to upgrade and reduce the number of channels (cross-channel information integration). Motor Torque Fault Diagnosis for four wheel independent motor-drive vehicle based on unscented kalman filter. please see First, VMD decomposition of the normal motor data was performed, as shown in Figure 7. They are composed of multiple residual blocks, whose construction is related to learning residual functions. 5. In the VMD parameter setting description, Max Iterations refers to the maximum number of optimization iterations, which was 500 times. VMD analysis of vibration data of underhung bearing motor failure. Identify the main object in an image. If this support package is not installed, then the function provides a download The hardware option was a GPU. In this research, we used many algorithms and finally selected these three popular algorithms to illustrate the comparison. The research results show that their approach can effectively detect the condition of the planetary gearbox with the best diagnostic accuracy of all the comparison methods in the experiment. ImageNet database [1]. Learn about PyTorchs features and capabilities. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help [2] He, Kaiming, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun. A proper learning rate can make the loss function converge to a local minimum in a short time. Because the vanishing gradient phenomena in models, which have a large layer number, harms the convergence of these models from the beginning. They were denoted as u1,u2, u3, u3, u4, and u5 and were very close to the components of the original signal. To create an untrained residual network suitable for image classification tasks, The Hilbert transform was performed on each IMF component obtained after VMD processing, and the Hilbert marginal spectrum was obtained. net = resnet101 returns a ResNet-101 These time series were acquired by SpectraQuests Mechanical Failure Simulator (MFS) aligned with the sensors on the balanced vibration (ABVT). If the required support package is installed, then the The input layer of the original SE_ResNet101 is a 7 7 convolution. This variant improves the accuracy and is known as ResNet V1.5. Hence, they can be imported easily without implementing from scratch as we did in the previous posts. When the deeper network starts to converge, a degradation problem has been exposed: with the network depth increasing, accuracy gets saturated (which might be unsurprising) and then degrades rapidly. In the future, after building a model by analyzing data, our approach will be able to automatically learn features from the input data to predict and maintain faults in diagnostic equipment. ResNet 18. Each layer of ResNet 101 will respond to or activate the input image. This replacement has some advantages. Graduate Institute of Vehicle Engineering, National Changhua University of Education, No.1, Jin-De Road, Changhua City, Changhua County 50007, Taiwan; Received 2021 Aug 9; Accepted 2021 Sep 8. The data obtained in this study provided test data for normal and faulty motors, all of which were taken from the website of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at For the former, is it enough to only change the num_classes argument when defining the model or I need to use something like this: model = torchvision.models.segmentation.fcn_resnet101 (pretrained=True) model.classifier=nn.identity () model.Conv2d = nn.Conv2d ( in_channels=256, out_channels=nb_classes, This special architecture allows gaining accuracy from increasing layer depth. weights: . By moving the motor shaft horizontally by 2.0 mm, this type of fault was placed on the test platform. They perform 3x3 convolution with a fixed feature map dimension (F) [64, 128, 256, 512] respectively, bypassing the input every 2 convolutions. })
[12] proposed the analysis of abnormal noise and vibrations of hybrid vehicles in pure electric driving mode. The following figure is a piece of concrete evidence for that. The number of parameters present in the AlexNet is around 62 million. mini-batches of 3-channel RGB images of shape (3 x H x W), where H and W are expected to be at least 224.The images have to be loaded in to a range of [0, 1] and then normalized using mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] and std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225].. Here's a sample execution. For example: net An ensemble of these residual nets achieves 3.57% error on the ImageNet test set. This research method can effectively identify the health of a motor. Since the vanishing gradient problem was taken care of (more about it in the How part), CNN started to get deeper and deeper. When the input signal is greater than 0, the output is equal to the input, and ReLU is used instead of Sigmoid/tanh. Starting in 2010, as part of the Pascal Visual Object Challenge, an annual competition called the ImageNet Large-Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC2013) has been held. The learning rate starts from 0.1 and is divided by 10 when the error plateaus and the models are trained for up to 6010000 iterations. ResNet is a short name for a residual network, but whats residual learning? Tashakori and Ektesabi [3] proposed a simple fault diagnosis technology for electric vehicles to diagnose faults in the brushless DC motor drive of the wheel. GoogLeNet. The experimental results show that the gear meshing in the compound planetary gear set was the main source of noise and vibration. range of images. resnet101 function to coder.loadDeepLearningNetwork (GPU Coder). He [37] proposed residual networks 101 (ResNets101), the main idea of which is to add a direct connection channel to the network, allowing part of the output of the previous network layer to be retained, simplifying the network structure, and improving the accuracy of classification. The type of the AlexNet approach is a series. This syntax is equivalent to net = resnet101. Modern industrial equipment and systems are becoming larger and more complex, and the reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety fault diagnosis of mechanical equipment has received more attention. The deterioration of training accuracy shows that not all systems are easy to optimize. If a signal was stable in the window, a Fourier transform was used to analyze the signal in the window. weights are used. optional number of classes to classify images into, only to be specified if include_top is True, and if no weights argument is specified Instead of hoping every few stacked layers directly fit a desired underlying mapping, they explicitly let these layers fit a residual mapping. Its number of training parameters is also several times less than AlexNet, and the accuracy is better. Fault Diagnosis System for Induction Motors by CNN Using Empirical Wavelet Transform. To retrain the network on a new classification task, follow the steps of Train Deep Learning Network to Classify New Images and load ResNet-101 instead of Hsueh Y.-M., Ittangihal V.R., Wu W.-B., Chang H.-C., Kuo C.-C. use resnetLayers. Motor failure is one of the biggest problems in the safe and reliable operation of large mechanical equipment such as wind power equipment, electric vehicles, and computer numerical control machines. In the experimental study, the vibration signals of the gearbox under good and faulty conditions were collected. How Do Machine Learning Algorithms Learn Bias? To overcome this drawback, a researcher group of Microsoft proposed a deep convolutional neural network, namely ResNet, in 2015. from tensorflow.keras.applications import ResNet101 ResNet_101 = ResNet101(weights = None) # parameter number: ResNet_101.count_params() >>> 44 707 176. The PyTorch Foundation is a project of The Linux Foundation. Toma et al. Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Induction Motor. Plain Network:The plain baselines (Fig. If you need to download a network, pause on the desired network and click A residual learning block has the following form (Figure 2): A part of this block consists of an identity mapping layer and the other layers are copied from the learned shallower model. The method of using ResNet101 for image feature learning can extract features for each image block of the image and give full play to the advantages of deep learning to obtain accurate results. Therefore, researchers have proposed a brand-new network for this problem, called a deep residual network. for image recognition." about navigating our updated article layout. Gundewar S.K., Kane P.V. The horizontal misalignment motor fault had five frequencies, the most obvious of which were 22k Hz, 9300 Hz, 4400 Hz, 2600 Hz, and 657 Hz. The purposes of the proposition of ResNet101-C are two folds. The method proposed in the study obtained more than 20 different faults in different drive cycle times and with different transmission system components (motors, inverters, transmissions, and sensors). You can The result is shown in Figure 8 for the Hilbert marginal spectrum of each IMF. Figure 9 shows the vibration data of the horizontal misalignment motor failure. They use a weight decay of 0.0001 and a momentum of 0.9. Also, finetune only the FCN head. VGGNet not only has a higher number of parameters and FLOP as compared to ResNet-152 but also has a decreased accuracy. GoogLeNet classification results in confusion matrix; the accuracy rate is 85.7%. Vibration data of overhang bearing motor failure. It can be clearly seen from Figure 20 that the IMF Hilbert marginal spectrum of the vibration data processed by VMD had a higher frequency resolution. Since both 3x3 convolutions can share weights among themselves, the number of computations can be reduced. [14] proposed a current sensor fault detection method for a built-in permanent magnet synchronous motor torque closed-loop control system based on a sliding mode observer. ResNet was proposed in 2015 and won first place in the classification task of the ImageNet competition. In this study, all data in the six categories were converted into images of the Hilbert spectrum. Mikolov T., Karafit M., Burget L., ernock J., Khudanpur S. Recurrent neural network based language model; Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association; Chiba, Japan. One may ask if models can learn better with a higher number of layers? [11] proposed a practical fault diagnosis method based on machine learning in laboratory experiments. The research results show that through the machine learning method, faults can be correctly classified in a wide range of operating areas. clicking New. The research results indicate that the feature extraction technology applied to multi-scale permutation entropy can obtain improved classification accuracy. The overall architecture of ResNet can be divided into three parts: Since the resolution and network width of the connection between the input of the first building block and the residual path of each stage are different, the first block will have an additional convolution to adjust the resolution and width. A Hilbert transform was performed on each IMF component obtained after VMD processing, and the result of obtaining the Hilbert marginal spectrum is shown in Figure 14. Li S., Liu G., Tang X., Lu J., Hu J. By moving the motor shaft 1.90 mm horizontally, this type of fault was placed on the test platform. For the feature extraction of the input image, the convolution calculation must be performed to perform subsequent classification and mask and frame calculations. The frequency that existed at a time was determined, and then the window function was moved along the signal time to obtain the relationship between the signal frequency and time; the timefrequency distribution is shown in Figure 3. Meckel S., Schuessler T., Jaisawal P.K., Yang J.-U., Obermaisser R. Generation of a diagnosis model for hybrid-electric vehicles using machine learning. The signal decomposition process was completely carried out in the variational framework. Chang et al. The residual convolutional network (ResNet) [14,15,16] effectively avoided the problem of gradient disappearance by introducing a residual module and realized the improvement of model accuracy. Therefore, after the VMD analysis was completed, ResNet101 was shown to have the highest classification prediction accuracy rate. for more details about this class. **kwargs parameters passed to the torchvision.models.resnet.ResNet Figure 21 shows the vibration data of the vertical misalignment motor failure. These four numbers will help you evaluate the speed of this model. Hilbert transformation of VMD analysis of vibration data of vertical misalignment motor failure. Therefore, the 35 g mass of the faulty outer track was designed to induce a detectable effect with a different rotation frequency than before. With the rapid development of time-frequency analysis methods, Dragomiretskiy et al. For more information, see Load Pretrained Networks for Code Generation (GPU Coder). This model has 3.8 billion FLOPs. In addition, in the spectrogram of the recombined signal, the high-frequency signal generated by the noise was much flatter than the original signal. The article presents an integrated high and low-level fault diagnosis method for the advanced fault diagnosis of vehicle dynamics. Fault diagnosis of in-wheel BLDC motor drive for electric vehicle application; Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV); Gold Coast, QLD, Australia. The corresponding impulse response is h()=1/(t). Import the ResNet-152 model: Imagenet competition from a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle into its counterpart version Be seen as an additional 1 * 1 convolutional layer and pooling layer are to! True class code for more details about this class or by adding layers! Fps means frame per second, and the number of images a network! On compound multi-scale weighted permutation entropy and machine learning category is very close, diagnoses will be,. Meshing in the final classification, average pooling layer is applied in this context, softmax. ; 3 of crucial importance, look at the top of the IEEE conference computer. Are two folds the rows correspond to the PyTorch open source project, which was 500 times the parameter! 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