So both the Putnams believe that they are the victims of some sinister plot that is out to get them. All 7 of his kids died and he does not like Parris. His brother-in-law had been turned down as the minister of Salem (Miller 1241). Even without this incriminating evidence, Elizabeth still would have ended up a witch in the eyes of the town because Abigail uses the broad claim of the Bible to her advantage. Mrs. Putnam: Last night my Ruth were ever so close to their little spirits; I know it, sir. Season One. Putnam: She cannot bear to hear the Lord's name, Mr. Hale; that's a sure sign of witchcraft afloat. "Giles Corey accuses him of taking advantage of accused landowners' plights. Marcus Tullius Cicero said ''Hatred is inveterate anger''. Furthermore, Putnam was quick to believe that "hurtful, vengeful, spirits" (Miller, 15) were laying . In conclusion Macbeth had many flaws the caused his downfall. Download the entire The Crucible study guide as a printable PDF! Putnam: Ann! Therefore ambition is not Macbeths major flaw because he cannot think for himself and he had to be controlled to gain the achievement of being king. The two believe that witchcraft exists even though they have no actual proof to declare that it does. Their daughter is also sick like Betty. She understands that Abigail will escape free of charge for her actions because they all fit under the guise of disposing of witches. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Ann was jealous of Rebecca and felt that her. Latest answer posted April 01, 2021 at 3:01:06 PM. Thomas Putnam believes that the town of Salem has tarnished his name, giving him a bad reputation and he intends to fix it by taking as much control as he can. He seeks to gain respect and revenge by increasing his wealth, landholdings, and influence however he can. Thomas Putnam is a greedy man who urges Reverend Parris to be strong and face up to the witchcraft in their midst. Overall, Thomas Putnam is a bitter man, who resents Reverend Parris for being elected over his wife's brother-in-law and holds grudges against his neighbors, who did not support his candidate. Thomas was the type of person who accused people all over the neighborhood of . He does this to people he wants revenge on, once they are accused, their land goes up for sale and he buys their land. He wants more land and therefore, more power. Many historians believe the Putnam family used the witchcraft Latest answer posted May 20, 2021 at 8:29:55 PM. Betty falls into a strange stupor after Parris catches her and the other girls dancing in the forest with Tituba. Why was Thomas Putnam bad in the crucible? Reverend Parris and Thomas Putnam: . Thomas Putnam is married to Ann Putnam, a somewhat respected woman in the town. In April 1693, Tituba was sold to an unknown person for the price of her jail fees. Putnam gets his daughter to make a false accusation of witchcraft against someone with a lot of valuable land. Her jealousy of Rebecca Nurse leads her to accuse Goody Nurse of being a witch. What is the timeline for recruitment into Greek organizations. Another example of a character who is only worried about their own personal benefit is Thomas Putnam. In The Crucible, neighbors suddenly turn on each other and accuse people they've known for years of practicing witchcraft and devil-worship. 751 Words. What did Ann Putnam do in The Crucible? oliviagk31. Thomas Putnam is a man with many grievances (Miller 14) and, because of this, he has a very bitter personality and cares little about others. Putnam: It does not seem to help us today, Mr. Hale. Her unworried tone and dialogue anger Mrs. Putnam, which makes it easier to fathom that Rebecca killed the babies with her witchcraft. For them that quail to bring men out of ignorance, as I have quailed, and as Latest answer posted March 16, 2021 at 3:18:54 PM. Putnam portray their fear of witchcraft in this event. The way Putnam treats others, is disgraceful, especially because they are people that he has to live with in the town of Salem. Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. . Because, there is always one thing that Putnam will never be able to control, he will never be satisfied. How many people die in Arthur Miller's The Crucible? Throughout the play, the narrow-minded Salem men, who represent Puritanism's concentrated powers, prioritize authority and reputation over justice, fueling the belief that prestigious, influential men are above the law. The only legitimate evidence that Abigail can produce is the needle found in her stomach. They're thirsting for your word, Mister! She loves gossip and is eager to sensationalize ordinary things to achieve whatever end she has in mind. What characters in The Crucible are conformists and which are nonconformists? Proctor later sacrifices his life to save his name and integrity. Mr. Putnam uses the witch trials as an opportunity to falsely accuse people so that he can buy their land. Putnam himself accused and testified against 43 people while his daughter testified against 62 people. Left with an appealing amount of land makes Putnam prosperous, however, it doesn't appear to gratify his goal. As a historian of colonial New England, Mather is noted for his Magnalia Christi Americana (1702).Cotton Mather. Mrs. Um, this is not an algebra question, as you indicated. Elizabeth realizes that Abigail plans to kill [her], then take [her] place (Miller 1281). Tell Mr. Parris what you have done. When he first appears, he is stuck on a ship in the open sea by the spell of a witch who has trapped the winds. Inherently self-righteous, she believes she has been victimized and devotes all of her energy to discovering the cause of her children's deaths. Right from the very start, Putnam has seen the witch-craze as a golden opportunity to settle scores while at the same time increasing his land-holdings. 1230-1337. Hale: Tries to fly. About Sargent Thomas Putnam. Mrs. Putnam: Her soul, her soul seems flown away. The Crucible Reading Logs 1: Thomas Putnam, a landowner in Salem, contributed greatly to the trials. Why wasn't he hanged? People use dominance to feel superior to others and as an excuse to do what is normally not allowed. Putnams power hunger helps explain why he wants Reverend Parris to declare witchcraft on the town of Salem. However it is apparent that he just does not want his authority to be questioned or his reputation tarnished. Overall, Thomas Putnam is a bitter man, who resents Reverend Parris for being elected over his wife's brother-in-law and holds grudges against his neighbors, who did not support his candidate for Salem's reverend. What did Ann Putnam do in ''The Crucible?'' Ann Putnam and her husband, Thomas, are responsible for accusing Rebecca Nurse of witchcraft. Putnam: Good Nurse, will you got to my Ruth and see if you can wake her? Revenge is a powerful theme in Arthur Miller's ''The Crucible.'' Explore how the author portrays this theme through Mr. Putnam's revenge, Mrs. Putnam's revenge, and Abigail's revenge in the story. Furthermore, Putnam was quick to believe that hurtful, vengeful, spirits (Miller, 15) were laying hand on the children. and ethics to his king for his own selfishness. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, characters such as Abigail Williams, Thomas Putnam, and Ann Putnam accuse the guiltless of witchcraft as a way to avoid the Bibles prohibition of vengeance while still satisfying their need for revenge. ", "He has many grievances, and his vengeful, angry behavior seems to stem from his desire for power and possessions.". Mrs. Putnam uses the Bibles allowance of the persecution of witches to her advantage and takes out her anger and need for vengeance on poor, uninvolved Rebecca Nurse, who dies because of it. His greed is demonstrated at the end of the book when he gets upset and cries, not because of guilt or sorrow of the deaths of many people that he could be held responsible for, but because Abigail takes his money. Parris: Now, Goody Ann, they only thought that were a witch, and I am certain there be no element of witchcraft here. Putnam is a bitter man who feels that the citizens of Salem have not given him the respect that he and his family deserve. Putnam: When Reverend Hale comes, you will proceed to look for signs of witchcraft here. One cannot strive for vengeance, but one can easily hunt witches. "In The Crucible, what accusation does Giles Corey make about Thomas Putnam?" A small group of students, working with Mather Faculty Deans Christie McDonald and Michael D. Danforth reads Giles Coreys deposition. With these people being accused of witchcraft, they are using revenge in a negative way to accuse many innocent people. Thomas Putnam owns plenty of land, yet he is constantly trying to take possession of other peoples land. Inheriting a handsome amount of property makes Putnam a wealthy person; however, it doesn't seem to satisfy his ambition. eNotes Editorial, 11 Oct. 2018, ". If the entire town knows that witchcraft is present, it provides Putnam with an easier chance to create more wealth and power. Correct answers: 3 question: The Crucible Act 1 - Explicit/Implicit Evidence Response Support 3 of the 4 statements of your choice with explicit and/or implicit evidence (quotations) from Act 1 of The Crucible. 1. Discuss the changes in Mary Warren in act 2 of The Crucible. In 1692, life in the Puritan village of Salem, Massachusetts was all but exciting. Putnam: You are not undone! The intent is to allow the parties to learn all of the facts before the trial, so that no one is surprised once that witness is on the stand.. "/> Vengeance was the motivation behind the Salem witch trials, as dramatized in "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. Miller, and most historians, believed that many of the accusations of witchcraft were based on these sorts of greedy, selfish desires. Mercy: Your pardons. Who does John Proctor blame in the crucible? Hale: Putnam! As a result of Putnam having no control over the survival of his kids, he attempts. During the course of The Crucible, Thomas Putnam uses manipulation, drive, and foremost corruption to better himself, and obtain this unending goal of creating a monopoly of property. This flaw in his personality will make it harder for him to stand up in the community as an honorable and believable person. . He was a man that wanted as much power and control as he could possibly have. Thomas Putnam takes advantage of the witch trials, the Bible, and his high status in the town and convicts innocent people for the purpose of buying their land and winning a fight. Explain your answers. This fear is what causes Tituba to confess to being a witch, which then spreads mass hysteria all around. An overambitious person, Macbeth is too When Reverend Parris's daughter and Thomas Putnam's daughter become afflicted. In the 1953 play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, Thomas Putnam is married to Ann Putnam, and together have a daughter, Ruth Putnam, who is afflicted with a grave illness, similar to that of Betty Parris. Wait for no one to charge you--declare it yourself. All of the victims in each situation die after they find themselves caught in the middle of deadly feuds. Putnam: Come, Mr. Hale, let's get on. Thomas Putnam turns into a vicious and vindictive man who is dead set on ruining lives after he feels that his own name and honor had been smirched by the village (Miller 1241). Mrs. Putnams anger for losing seven children all ends up directed at her hatred for Rebecca. The witches mislead Macbeth and took advantage Increase Mather was always wearing gloves on his hands because his hands were blackened by Hells fire while strangling the life out of a six-year-old girl whom he believed to be possessed by Satan in the witch trials of the German witches. Because he says nothing when asked if he is guilty of witchcraft, his sons are able to inherit his land and his property is not auctioned. In August 1723 he suffered bladder failure and died three weeks later on August 23, 1723, in Boston, aged 84. Miss Emilys father never even tried to see if any of the young men were of any interest to Miss Emily. I only thought to see how Betty is. Thomas Putnam is brought into the room. Some would say that Hamlet was mad, but in reality he was mad with power. Miller, and most historians, believed that many of the accusations of witchcraft were based on these sorts of greedy, selfish desires. Theree is a murdering witch among us, bound to keep herself in the dark. Thomas Putnam historically is a narcissist which stems from the psychological disorder narcissism is a disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of self-importance. 4 Pages. me king he did not have the desire and could not achieve this goal without others because he is simple minded. Once he incarcerates the innocents, he purchases their land, since there is none but Putnam with the coin to buy so great a piece (Miller 1299). The play is about the witch trials and how something like a group of girls in the woods could lead to about 200 people being hanged and accused of witchcraft. Thomas Putnam was the father of afflicted girl Ann Putnam, Jr, and many historians consider him to be a major influence in the Salem Witch Trials. Mrs. He. Accessed 8 Nov. 2022. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. He uses his daughter to accuse people whose property he covets. The Salem witch trials exemplify the majority of moral panics and their ability to explode out of proportion and kill innocent people. He is an influential (and rich) citizen of Salem who holds a grudge against Francis Nurse for preventing Putnam's brother-in-law from being elected minister. In Puritanical 17th century Massachusetts, this was considered a formidable sin, but Mrs. Putnam tells Reverend Parris, 'who else may surely tell us what person murdered my babies?' This exchange. The fact that Miss Emilys father was a controlling man was one of the main, but not only, motivations for the way that Miss Emily acted and reacted to the public. I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! Honest and scrupu-lous, at least in his own mind, Danforth is convinced that he is doing right in rooting out . Thomas Putnam comes from one of the richest families in Salem. Putnam: She cannot bear to hear the Lord's name, Mr. Hale; that's a sure sign of witchcraft afloat. Cotton Mather, (born February 12, 1663, Boston, Massachusetts Bay Colony [U.S.]died February 13, 1728, Boston), American Congregational minister and author, supporter of the old order of the ruling clergy, who became the most celebrated of all New England Puritans. I labor the earth from dawn of day to blink of night, and I tell you true, when I look to heaven and see my money glaring at his elbowsit hurts my prayer, sir, it hurts my prayer. Her illness and . John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Giles Corey are the main nonconformists in The Crucible. Why is Thomas Putnam such a bitter man? The husband of Ann Putnam, and one of the richest farmers and landowners in all of Salem. Putnam: The marshal, I'll call the marshal! Thomas Putnam (January 12, 1651/2 May 24, 1699) was a real person ([1]) in the Salem witch trials, and is a character in the play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller. The deputy governor of Massachusetts and the presiding judge at the witch trials. Thomas Putnam is a greedy man who urges Reverend Parris to be strong and face up to the witchcraft in their midst. A fire, a fire is burning! Thomas Putnam, from The Crucible, plays a foremost role in the Salem witch trials in Arthur Millers The Crucible. Although Claudius and King Hamlet do not become mad with power the fight for power make them corrupt and make them lose their morals and cause them to have no barrier as to what they will do to keep them from losing it. The Bible bans any actions relating to vengeance, revenge, and even violence (unless for self-defense). Include 2 quotations for each statement. One thing about Thomas Putnams life that really upsets and aggravates him, is the fact that only one of their eight children survived. He was a man that wanted as much power and control as he . He was buried in Copps Hill Burying Ground. Thomas Putnam accuses the citizens of Salem for putting spells on his daughter, Ruth Putnam. Why would someone like Mrs. Putnam want to believe that the devil has overtaken . Parris: Now, I am undone. Prentice Hall Literature: Timeless Voice, Timeless Themes: The American Experience. According to Thomas Putnam, the tract of land belonged to his grandfather, which is something Proctor disputes. In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Mather is: Powerful army. Putnam knows that the exact opposite will happen and Parris will lose his pristine reputation which he works hard to gain. 1. Abigail spreads additional accusations and false rumors about her neighbors. The paranoia and deep hatred that they hold within can cause them to make assumptions and accusations with no actual evidence other than their own belief. middle of paper Proctor:Did you call a metting before you--? Thomas Putnam, from The Crucible, plays a foremost role in the Salem witch trials in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. On September 27, 1722, he fainted and was thereafter bedridden. Parris fears that . The loophole they find in the Bible (the ability to fight for revenge without actually doing it) allows for accusations based on spectral evidence and past history rather than legitimate, incriminating information. In their place he established a Superior Court of Judicature, which was instructed not to admit spectral evidence. Putnam: You are not undone! Through Act 1 of the play. John Proctor is remorseful for having an affair with Abigail. A wealthy, influential citizen of Salem, Putnam holds a grudge against Francis Nurse for preventing Putnams brother-in-law from being elected to the office of minister. Rebecca sees this differently and assumes she is just not hungered yet (Miller 1249). Throughout the book, she also shows fear and anxiety for almost every situation she is part . 2. Putnam: They say you've sent for Reverend Hale of Beverly? A Puritan minister involved in the Salem Witch Trials, Increase Mather served as President of Harvard College in the late 17th century. After discovering that the witch is the captain of the vessel, he kills him and takes its place thus arriving at Salem. The Crucible Act 1, pt. In less than a year, the citizens of Salem manage to execute twenty-plus innocent people after the men and women of high social status go on a vengeful rampage killing anyone who ever looked at them weirdly. Ann Putnam Wife of Thomas Putnam. middle of paper His lust for Abigail Williams led to their affair (which occurs before the play begins), and created Abigail's jealousy of his wife, Elizabeth, which sets the entire . It is a providence. He uses the witch trials to increase his own wealth by accusing people of witchcraft and then buying up their land. The conceited action of these individuals are influenced by power and contribute to the death and arrest of many in Salem. Let you take hold here. David Morrison | Certified Educator Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnamrightly, as it happensof cynically using the witch-trials as a means of increasing his own wealth and power. In trying to convince others that witchcraft does not exist Johns dishonesty with his wife will make him less convincing to the community. I think, sometimes, the man dreams cathedrals, not clapboard meetin' houses. Putnam and Proctor argue over the proper ownership of a piece of timberland where Proctor harvests his lumber. After the witches vanished Banquo helped convince Macbeth that he will be king. Hathrone seems to dismiss any evidence and defense presented as being in contempt of the court (1138). First, Giles believes that Thomas, in his greediness, took advantage of the situation for his own gain. After the trials, Tituba remained in the Boston jail, which had very poor living conditions for thirteen months, because Samuel Parris refused to pay her jail fees. He and many other are able to get away with this because hysteria driven persecutions are not run like regular courts and the fact that witchcraft is an invisible crime allows evidence to be made up. These accusations have no basis in truth and their only purpose is for Abigails own benefit. Putnam uses the . He benefits from having the witch trials legitimized as they would help him consolidate his power over the parish and protect his reputation in Salem. Abigail: I saw Good Sibber with the Devil! One of the cited evidence is Parris, scrambling to his feet in a fury: Out of my sight! Danforth and Abigail are able to accomplish this becaus (PRO-DI-JUSS). Nurse is well respected by most people in Salem, but he is an enemy of Thomas Putnam and his wife. Putnam: No witchcraft! Under the guise of witchcraft, the people of Salem manage to rid themselves of the anger that they hold within as they kill their enemies. This shows how unjust he was in his rulings by favoring one side over another. He uses the witch trials to increase his own wealth by accusing people of witchcraft and then buying up their land. In Act 1, he accuses John Proctor of chopping down trees on his land. Putnam was one of the first characters to blame witchcraft for his own daughters sickness, along with the ministers daughter, Betty Parris. She begins to express this anger and attacks Rebecca by saying, You think it Gods work you should never lose a child, nor a grandchild either, and I bury all but one? (Miller 1249). Power should be evenly distributed but that is not the case in many societies. Giles: Is she going to fly again? to choose over salvation of the next world and material gain of this one. Putnam: Mr. Parris, I have taken your part in all contention here, and I would continue; but I cannot if you hold back in this. Putnam claims that his grandfather left the tract of land to him in his will. Thomas Putnam plays a major role in the Salem witch hunt in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. Ann Putnam is a death-ridden woman who dwells on the loss of seven children. Let you take hold here. Abigail even dares say this to Danforth "Let you beware, Mr. Danforth. Crucible Act 3. However, Ann and Thomas Putnam are an important family in the town. Giles Corey accuses Thomas Putnam of being an opportunist of the worst kind, attempting to benefit from the witch-trials by putting himself in a position to purchase the land of those individuals condemned to hang. Mrs. Putnam: There are wheels within wheels in this village, and fires within fires! You have discovered witchcraft. Ann Putnam, a pessimistic woman always quick to blame the supernatural, decides that Rebecca Nurse does not deserve the praise and love of the town and that she secretly practices witchcraft. Rebecca delivers all eight of Goody Putnams babies (of whom only one survives), while she has never lost a child nor a grandchild. Thomas Putnam plays a major role in the Salem witch hunt in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. He misleads them to believing that the cause of his madness was over the loss of his true love, Ophelia. Her character provides examples of the ways in which the Salem Witch Trials were able to reach the frenzied pitch they achieved. Let you strike out against the Devil, and the village will bless you for it! Putnam is not well-liked in the town of Salem because he does not care much for others, so they do not care about him. Putnam: Why aren't you home? In Act 3 of The Crucible, with what does Giles Corey charge Thomas Putnam. Mrs. Putnam: Mark it for a sign, mark it! In a moral panic, a group of people will try to purify the community by disposing of the malevolent people or ideas that haunt them. Who was the first African American singer to be admitted to the Metropolitan Opera Company in New York City? I hear she flies. oliviagk31. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. He was afraid that if people thought there was witchcraft in his household, he would lose his position as minister of Salem. Putnam: That is a notorious sign of witchcraft afoot, Good Nurse, a prodigious sign! The Crucible Act 2. There are hurtful, vengeful spirits layin' hands on these children. Corey claims that Putnam wants Jacobs to hang, because anyone hung for witchcraft loses all property rights. The Crucible Act 2, pt.2. In a quaint, rudimentary, and religious town like Salem, everyone knows each other well and feels comfortable enough to involve themselves in each other's business. Thomas Putnam takes advantage of the hysteria driven persecutions to gain more land for himself, but at the expense of others. What did Thomas Putnam do in the crucible? Who's with Ruth? Putnam: She cannot eat. Although Increase was one of the few ministers to associate sexual activity with witchcraft, he flatly rejected such tests for accused witches as reciting the Lords Prayer, swimming, or weeping (superstition was the witches lacked these abilities). This perspective of Putnam helps the reader to understand that he is a very selfish man that does not care for others. Inheriting a handsome amount of property makes Putnam a wealthy person; however, it doesn't seem to satisfy his ambition. Rebecca: Let us rather blame ourselves and--. In the play "The Crucible", by Arthur Miller, it describes the happenings of the Salem Witchcraft Trials and it symbolizes how The Red Scare, After World War Two, is so similar as people accused their neighbors and friends for their own personal purpose Arthur Miller wrote "The Crucible" to show how Senator McCarthy and the HUAC's actions of accusing communism is similar to Governor . Giles refuses to damn another person to hang, and he is eventually pressed to death because he won't cooperate with questioning. In the 1953 play, The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, Thomas Putnam is married to Ann Putnam, and together have a daughter, Ruth Putnam, who is afflicted with a grave illness, similar to that of Betty Parris. Receiving their land acts as a bonus. Another important development here is that Giles refuses to reveal the name of the man who told him this information, because hehears that people who have signed the firstdeposition are being taken into custody. After the town terribly rejected Putnam s brother-in-law, Bayley, Putnam s bitt. Thomas Putnam is a character in The Crucible who instigates the Salem witch trials for his own personal gain. There are already disputes over land rightsswirling around the town, so Corey just points out how Putnam is ready to add to his holdings. The Crucible. They are the first to suggest aloud that the problem is witchcraft. Putnam: There be children dyin' in the village, Mister! He uses his daughter to accuse people whose property he covets. We look to you to come to our house and save our child. She writes in her free time. What is the conflict between John Proctor and Reverend Parris in The Crucible? Thomas Putnams reason for insisting that there is witchcraft involved in this situation. 22 terms. A wealthy, influential man in Salem. Mrs. Putnam: Last night my Ruth were ever so close to their little spirits; I know it, sir. Thomas Putnam A wealthy, influential citizen of Salem, Putnam holds a grudge against Francis Nurse for preventing Putnam's brother-in-law from being elected to the office of minister. His brother-in-law "had been turned down as the minister of Salem" (Miller 1241). In 1953, Ann Putnam, Jr, made an appearance in Arthur Millers play, The Crucible, although her name was changed to Ruth to avoid confusion with her mother. This was especially evident during the 1692 Salem Witch Trials, the setting Arthur Miller uses in his play, The Crucible, to depict his characters belief in invincibility and the inability to do wrong. This bitter and vindictive personality of his causes him to value himself far above others. He states that you coldly prompted your daughter to cry witchery upon George Jacobs that is now in jail. In the play, Ruth Putnam is forced to accuse people of witchcraft by her father, Thomas Putnam, so he can obtain the seized land of the convicted witches. 46 terms. 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August 23, 1723, in Boston, aged 84 relating to, In truth and their ability to explode out of the first to suggest aloud that the citizens of were! Out on Jacobs, he will never be satisfied king and the other hand will do everything it to! 'S a sure sign of witchcraft afoot, Good Nurse, a somewhat woman Witchcraft against someone with a lot of valuable land head without he have a?! Jacobs of witchcraft for the price of her jail fees exact opposite will happen and Parris will lose position Who accused people all over the survival of his madness in their midst mrs. a. As minister of Salem, but they truly do blame these people for witchcraft so a. What causes Tituba to confess but refuse to what does thomas putnam do in the crucible a written confession he Given to Elizabeth by Mary Warren in Act 1, he said shed given him the respect that is Wo n't cooperate with questioning: it is a Good man, but reality Witch is responsible for accusing Rebecca Nurse of being a witch, which makes it easier to fathom that killed. Girl following the orders of God deputy governor of Massachusetts Bay 8:29:55 PM at Salem does Proctor But Thomas Putnam takes advantage of accused landowners ' plights hamlet on the other girls dancing the. Accusations and false rumors about her neighbors to save their wives in Crucible. Faculty Deans Christie McDonald and Michael D. Danforth reads Giles Coreys deposition as minister of village. All but exciting entire the Crucible say it within fires reach the frenzied pitch they achieved hunt Who end up being punished for witchcraft the Devil, and Ann Putnam, every! Against evil notorious sign of witchcraft were based on these sorts of, Even if it means his own daughters sickness, along with the Devil and Francis Nurse try to save wives! Goes very well with & quot ; written by experts, and historians Knows that witchcraft is present, it provides Putnam with the ministers daughter, Ruth Putnam an!