CONGRESS DATE 02 July - 05 July 2019 CONGRESS LOCATION Moscow, Russian Federation CONGRESS WEB SITE INVITATION Dear friends and colleagues, On behalf of Russian Psychological Society I am delighted to invite you to 16th European Congress of Psychology in Moscow! Russian Academy of Education especially hopes that the Congress will be attended by young psychologists for whom this event will certainly become not only an important stage in the development of their professional careers, but also a platform for collaboration with colleagues to successfully handle the challenges that humanity will face in the future. EFPA has 37 national Member Associations with a combined membership of over 350,000 associated psychologists representing the discipline and profession of psychology in all its forms at the European level. The University of Oxford professor shows that how we process information is an important component. His research includes longitudinal, experimental and intervention projects on social and emotional development, behavioral and emotional problems, psychopathology, adjustment, and quality of life in both the general population and special, clinical samples, including individuals with psychiatric disorders, intellectual disability, and somatic disorders. . Likewise authors grant congress organizers permission to use personal information, received and required from participants, before and after the congress, for statistical purposes. One sequence showed people shaking hands with themselves. Masao Yokota, M.D. According to Halpern, the effortful, careful, consciously controlled processing of critical thinking is crucial. Notification of acceptance will be emailed to the corresponding author by 4 February, 2019, together with detailed information and guidelines. His major scientific interests are: personality and personality assessment, social psychology, mental health of Chinese labor force and adolescence in China. He is a Professor of Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Trier (since 1997) and President of the Germany Psychological Society (since 2016; vice-president 2014-2016). This is the official website of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) EAWOP is the leading organization in Europe when it comes to evidence-informed science and practice on people, work and organizations. The organisers have planned an exciting theme and programme, and the venue and city of Ljubljana are enticing. To have your educational event endorsed by the European Pain Federation please consult our criteria for endorsement. Could it be a metabo-psychiatric disorder? The predictors of hedonistic and future oriented time perspectives in a sample of Turkish Cypriot adolescents. The auditorium of the State Kremlin Palace is about 6000 persons. President of the Russian Psychological Society, Every year Moscow University enrolls about 4 000 international students and postgraduates from all over the world. In both cases, an open-ended future time perspective led to less intense regret: it helps to feel you have more time to make amends. Our team is working hard to ensure that youll be excited to see not only ECP2019s scientific, but also tourist program, to experience the best from Russia, its attractions, crafts, and delights. Dont complete a living will, Birbaumer advised, because whatever you write down now is completely irrelevant in the future. Santo Di Nuovo, PhD, Full professor of Psychology at the University of Catania, Italy, Director of the Department of Education also responsible for clinical service counseling and guidance, President of Italian Psychological Association. The immense challenges facing society demand that we build bridges to other sciences and professions and cooperate intensively with them. Tests and Testing in the 21st century: Quo vadis? He is former President (1995-2015) and current Vice-President of the Association of Greek Psychologists and President of the National Awarding Committee for EuroPsy. Psychological theory and practice also reflect the skills of other sciences and professions. The 18th European Congress of Psychology covers topics such as: International Psychology: the importance of national and regional partnerships. Insights from the 17th European Congress of Psychology" containing a selection of papers . Age and eyewitnesses He was the ex-chair for Japan Society for Animation Studies and is now the president of the Japanese Psychological Association. Michael is actively involved in the activities of the British Psychological Society (BPS). 3-6July 2023,Brighton, UK. Do . As impressive as these techniques are, for me the most striking aspect of Birbaumers work is the humanity of it all. His current research project focuses on the social cognition in cybermedia and digital citizenship awareness. He also runs research on the issues concerning personality assessment, effects of unemployment, advanced statistics, and teaching of psychology. The European Congress of Psychology. Fox concluded that what was designed as an experimental tool might be therapeutic, but that we need larger-scale studies that aggregate a cumulative genetic score across several polymorphisms, rather than a single candidate gene. These challanges are certainly surpassed now by the consequences of the war in Ukraine. 2022 World Family Therapy Congress 22-27th March, 2022, en Toyama, Japan. To have your educational event endorsed by the European Pain Federation please consult our criteria for endorsement. For us as Psychologists, this 17th European Congress of Psychology is an occasion to reflect on our professional competences also in dialogue with other sciences and professions. Sign up here to be informed about EFPA activities and the release of the next editions of the EFPA News Magazine! That was the question occupying Carl-Johan Olsson (Umea University) in convening this symposium. All Events. The European Certificate in Psychology EuroPsy,is a European standard of education, professional training and competence in psychology, and was developed to create a more harmonised, standardised approach to the regulation and practice of psychology across Europe. The 17th European Congress of Psychology is organized by the Slovenian Psychologists Association under the auspices of the European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EFPA) and with support from three mayor Slovenian universities, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, the Mayor and the City Council of Ljubljana, the Slovenian Tourist Board and other prominent organisations. You will never see the world in the same way again: in particular, George W. Bush (always a favourite in psychology presentations) appears to be something of a walking cognitive bias. Until recently, there has been an emphasis on adversity in gene x environment work, for example the role of the serotonin transporter gene in Caspis 23-year study. She has been qualified to advance the ongoing investigations on at-risk populations, focusing mostly on translational and applied Psychology and based on a bioecological theoretical perspective. But approaches such as deep brain stimulation are unrealistic in the long run, Birbaumer opined, and have to be combined with the psychological approach. Mental health and well being are now recognized as major goals, and there is much to be done to attain these goals. To test the hypothesis that humans can learn new information during sleep, Arzi presented tones followed by pleasant or unpleasant odours, and later measured the sniff response following the tones alone. Registrations will open on 11 th October 2021. Ehrsson showed that some participants not only report the fake hand feeling like their own, their emotional and neuronal responses demonstrate that ownership too. Surely were more likely to accumulate and report regret as we age, unless were Frank Sinatra (who, as one delegate commented, runs the risk of sounding somewhat like a psychopath). Presenting authors must register by April 1st 2019 to ensure that their presentation will be included in the ECP 2019. a hammer at Throughout Birbaumers work on brainmachine interfaces in paralysis and behavioural disorders, he has been struck by the realisation that losing the capacity for communication, if the body shuts down, means losing life. On behalf of Russian Psychological Society I am delighted to invite you to 16th European Congress of Psychology in Moscow! In terms of deaths per million inhabitants, Sweden was the Western country most affected, and the city of Stockholm was the worst hit capital city. I didnt quite feel the rubber glove was my hand, but it was getting there. ICESD 2022 Internation Congress of Educational Sciences and Development (ICESD), Virtual, October 19-21, 2022. Psychology Conferences 2022/2023/2024 lists relevant events for national/international researchers, scientists, scholars, professionals . What can we do about the ageing brain? 2023. But the uncomfortable truth, said Christian Hakulinen (University of Helsinki) is that there is some evidence individual differences in personality characteristics may be related to self-selection into unemployment. It puts a value on science, which many people do not understand and value. Perhaps we should all engage in some critical thinking around our own critical thinking: as Halpern concluded, People are happy to say I have a bad memory. She is interested in clinical psychology and psychological assessment, trauma psychology, well-being and child abuse, working in the field for 17 years. ECNP offers a range of special incentives to the participants of the congress: Members, Developing countries (CDE), and Early Career Scientists. Michael's current research programmes relate to the investigation of i) psychological functioning in Type 2 diabetes, ii) psychosocial predictors of sexual health, and iii) the interplay between personality, stress and physical health. All this leads to the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment, and she describes the goal of teaching critical thinking as the most difficult and important thing we do as teachers. M.Ed., Ph.D., is the Senior Director for the Office of International Affairs at the American Psychological Association (APA). She is an American Psychological Association Representative to the International Psychology Network for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Issues (IPsyNet), and chaired the policy committee that drafted the IpsyNet Statement and Commitment on LGBTI Concerns. Thursday, July 14. Submitting authors grant congress organizers permission to publish their abstracts online and in electronic devices, and permission for the presentations to be audio/video recorded and hereby grant to the Congress a non-exclusive right to reproduce or display and store the recorded material for the purpose of professional development either by download from the ECP 2019 or the hosts websites or via distribution of a CD/DVD; and permission for the presentations PDFs to be made available online to all conference delegates following the congress. 34th EAAP Conference 26-30 September 2022, Gibraltar organized by the European Association for Aviation Psychology (EAAP) Call for Papers starts in October 2021. There are still effects with resistance training, but not as great. European Federation of Psychologists' Associations. Level -2, Area D - Lecture Hall. In a sample of 825 adults (1885 years), this was the pattern he found: the frequency and intensity of experienced regret for everyday events decreased with chronological age, while the intensity of life regrets increased with age. President-Elect, Chinese Association of Social Psychology (CASP), Executive Committee member International Union of Psychological Sciences (IUPsyS), past President, Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), Standing committee member, Chinese Association of Mental Health (CAMH). Welcome to the 16th European Congress of Psychology! We want to contribute to creating the future together. Ehrsson was able to present a very convincing case that it is indeed this correlated input from different modalities that underpins the experience we have of both being in and having ownership of our bodies and knowing where it is in space. Our European Congresses create opportunities for conversation, reflection, and learning. Psychology is manifold, and with this diversity it offers great possibilities to meet individual problems and societal challenges.