Try to play with your cats for at least 10 minutes per day no matter what age they are. Take the time to be neighborly and keep an eye out for your neighbors cats if they are concerned about their whereabouts. Your neighbors can serve as another set of eyes to be on the lookout for your lost cat. or all of these things can happen in a week or not until after several months. What For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet. Although Ed was happy to be reunited with Arthur, the other cat, Calvin, wasnt at all too thrilled it showed signs that it was no longer comfortable being near Arthur. After two, we knew she was gone for good, and assumed that something had gotten her. too far away from home for too long. When all else fails, consider hiring a pet detectiveits not just for the movies! This number grows to 50-60% after around 2-3 months of going missing.1. One cat went missing in London and was found 8 years later in Paris 8! We definitely recommend using gloves for this tip, but spreading used cat litter outside creates a pungent aroma that's sure to get your cat's attention. Consider placing your cats litter box, favorite toys, bed, etc., outside to entice them to return. Its owner, Ed Pullman, thought that he was never going to see his cat again, mainly because its not the kind that could tolerate the elements very well. If a cat has ventured a little further than usual and something takes it by surprise, its natural flight reflexes may cause it to bolt for cover. Continue searching and hopefully, the fateful day comes when you are finally The same feeling occurs when an indoor/outdoor cat fails to come home after the usual exploration period. Your Animals. If you've recently moved, extend your search to your old neighborhood. Even a small dog or a Make a personal visit The following are Amazon affiliate links, and if you decide to use them, Ill earn a small commission from Amazon at no cost at all to you. You may also take with you a used article of clothing of yours or your cats bedding and rub it on things to create a scent trail that your cat could follow it will work better than the trail of breadcrumbs left by Hansel and Gretel. Hopefully, these tips will help foster a successful recovery. He was finally discovered several months later in a building site next to his home. Turned out that my cats diet was the problem. According to American Humane, approximately 10 million pets go missing in the United States every year, with millions of them ending up in shelters or facilities. For cats without an ID tag or a microchip, locating the owner can be pretty difficult. There are also some great lost and found websites that have reunited lost cats with their owners. So to keep your cat from wandering and becoming lost you should seriously consider neutering or spaying. 74% of lost cats were found within a 500-meter (0.31 miles) radius from the escape point. Leave food and water outside your door It is a good idea to leave some food, water, your cat's favourite treats and even its toy outside overnight. encouraging if youre currently dealing with the problem of a missing pet. Pet FBI has had many cases where cats or dogs were reunited months after they went missing. Neutered males and spayed females generally have a smaller territory and rarely go far beyond it. However, dont lose hope if its been more than a day since your kitty cat has been missing. The dog is a 17-month-old Border Collie mix, and the cats consist of two tuxedo cats, one torre, one long-haired calico, and one all-black formerly feral sweetheart. Cats are notoriously good at hiding. The odds of Unlike a microchip, a GPS cat tracker helps you find your lost cat in minutes by letting you follow their location in real-time. It is very distressing when a cat does not come home. While the internet and apps are game changers for finding lost pets, it is still vital to utilize old school techniques. Just ensure that, before you spring into action and seek the help of family and friends, your feline pet is actually missing. sun has set you still havent got any solid leads. Don't leave yourself open to false hopes, and by all means, don't wire reward money until you see your cat. They never expected to see him again after so long but Boozer was eventually surrendered to a shelter that scanned him and found the microchip that lead to this remarkable reunion. In many cases, the reasons why they roamed or went missing in the first place greatly differ, too. Create, print, post and If your cat is lost longer than forty-eight hours it is probable that it might be considered a stray or feral cat and sent to an animal shelter. Cats can go astray for so many reasons. Do Hamsters Like To Be Held? Even if the reason the cat stopped eating in the first place resolves, without treatment, the cat will still be sick with liver disease, Dr. Jones said. distribute flyers to neighbors and strategic locations. I currently have a number of pets a dog, five cats, four zebra finches, a red-eared slider turtle, and a Betts fish. To find a lost cat with a microchip, you'll need to wait until someone finds your cat and brings them in to a shelter or vet where the microchip ID can be read. Vet clinics The outdoor environment can be dangerous to your Pitbull. This is of course extremely rare but you occasionally see news items about these incidents in the press. To prove its authenticity, as mentioned earlier, the cats owner uploaded one more video, which consisted of her Facebook status updates looking for the missing cat posted more than a year before being reunited with the adventurous Francine. November Well, usually they return within 24 hours. If they see an open door, they love to have a nose at whats inside. Only a few felines were found alive after 90 days. Un-neutered tomcats will roam surprisingly far and wide to locate a queen and to stake out their territory when the weather is warm, especially after a long cold winter. are quite a lot of possible places where a missing cat or dog might be. Call and visit as many shelters as possible, put out ads around the neighborhood and online, search the area thoroughly, post on Facebook and Craigslist, and set human traps. Percentages of lost dogs versus lost cats were nearly identical: 14% for dogs and 15% . As a matter of fact, some lost cats were guided by their homing instinct to travel hundreds of miles back to their respective homes. The owners of the garage had actually openedtheir garage the day before to see if he was in there but he had obviously hidden from them and missed his chance to escape. of a dog being found (93%) but the odds of finding a missing cat are also high percentage of reported missing cats (14%) as of missing dogs (15%), Theres a very high chance Keep your pet calm by covering their eyes, speaking quietly, or petting them. Some of them include Facebook, Twitter, Craigslist and local blogs about animal welfare. Scratcher Lounger: The more cat scratching posts you have the better. So, what can pet parents do to prevent this from happening? have fairly good odds of finding a lost pet, but you must not give up. Go out with a flashlight. In most situations, it isnt a case of a cat trying to run away, but exploring the outside world and perhaps venturing too far. you may fear. But some predictive animal behavior could Playing with your cat regularly provides important stimulation and this can help to prevent them from wandering off in search of adventure. distribute flyers to neighbors and strategic locations. may run away if theyre suffering from anxiety, or the simple reason that they A car or a predator will have gotten to it. non-stop for 3mph. to, its pretty clear that theres no time limit to finding your lost pet. When you allow them outside you know when to expect them home. Alas, many of them will wind up getting lost in the process. animal behavior and instincts, as well as the experiences of people who were able to find their neighborhood, Around 59% of cat owners Protect your cats and give them the best chance you can, keep them indoors if at all possible, but dont underestimate their fighting spirit or desire to make it home to you. From the findings, it is clear that theres a high likelihood of finding a missing cat if it hasnt been gone for too long. This is based on a nation-wide research including tens of thousands of . What that says is that most cats that are 'lost' eventually come back and that you are not likely to find them in a shelter. While the feline was missing, Ed put up nearly 100 posters and handed out flyers. 4. Armed with a flashlight, you may run into your cat as its coming out of its chosen hiding place to explore the world outside the home. Some pets have been reunited with their pet parents years later. to create a lost dog flyer in just a few steps. Below are some important matters such as the odds of finding a lost cat and, more importantly, increasing the chances of finding your missing cat. Should any member of your search So According to one study from 2018, around 61% of lost cats were found within a year of going missing, and 34% were discovered within about 7 days. may run away if theyre suffering from anxiety, or the simple reason that they My goal is to find the most informative content on anything feline-related and share it with fellow hardworking kitty lovers. What are the chances of finding a lost dog? and search for shelter and food. However, you may think that they got out when they are actually hiding in the house. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Besides recognizing its former home, the feline also recognized its previous owner. Ed believed that its because Arthur no longer smelled the same after its outdoor adventure. I am Wildlife Veterinarian and I have eight cats. If your cat goes missing, there are things you can do to help bring them home in addition to getting the word out as mentioned above. you dont waste time taking action and reporting your lost pet to all relevant channels, chances of missing pet, you may caution them not to approach the animal directly as it It happens in the blink of an eye, despite your best intentions. However, many homeowners have found their pets way after this. There's a chance that he has been trapped in a vacant house, a construction site, an outbuilding, or under someone's home and can't get out. Most cats that go missing return home or are found within 24 hours. Statistically, 10 be conducting your search. Do not despair if you havent tried making any posters yet. after 24 hours have passed? If you anticipate these events, secure your cat in a safe, quiet place until the threat is over. Stand out, shake the food jar or open the tin can to attract cats in the nearby area. October For some insight on what happens to those 10 million lost pets, we can look to a small but scientifically valid study from 2012. A physical search (versus putting up posters, posting online, etc.) People have been taking care of pets for a very long time now. I watched a cat climb a brick wall beside an open front door once because she was so panicked that she couldnt even see the way back in. These ads are usually free. even if its been over 24 hours since you last saw a trace of his cute snout Cases of cats having been adopted in this way are often only discovered if the new owner takes the cat to a vet and the vet happens to scan it and finds it is micro-chipped, which leads to the discovery of the priorowner. he has one black whisker, one white toe, etc.) These Make a personal visit For as long as there is no evidence that the lost cats have died, there is still a possibility for them to be recovered. A missing cat is something most cat owners experience at some point. Los Angeles, CA. You may run around inside the house, just to make sure you havent lost them inside (luckily, in 9 out of 10 of my own panicked experiences, the cats have been hiding under a bed, sleeping on a chair under the dining room table, somehow have gotten themselves stuck in a closet somewhere, or other humorous but benign locations). Strong chance of positive response. Despite this, losing cats can still be one of the most painful and upsetting things that can happen to any cat owner. Since Arthur was found, the two cats have been occupying different floors of the house. Of all cat owners that found their lost pets, only 2% of them found their cats at shelters. Life is very hard out there with no help at all. While These cats may be trapped, injured and hiding or deceased nearby. You might not see your pet immediately as he While it's true that the odds of finding a lost cat are slimmer the longer the animal is missing, a cat owner must not lose hope. someones home and cant get out. Pet parents find themselves in an absolute nightmare when their loving pets go missing. Here are some effective steps that will help you find your lost cat on your own: Make a list of all the places your cat might go in a 24-hour period. All of them I rescued from the streets at different times when they were just abandoned kittens. local classifieds and online listings. The chances of finding your dog, even with no effort on your part, are fairly high. help you know where to start looking. It is far better to reduce the chances of your cat going missing by having it spayed/ neutered, having it micro-chipped, keeping in after dark, having set meal times, and by stimulating it in your home with lots of play and affection. Cats sometimes get lost after climbing inside a vehicle that drives away. Sad stories have been told about cruel extortionists who extracted large cash rewards from grieving pet owners under the premise of having "found" their pets. Based on give the lost animal away, or call a pound or shelter about the missing I hope you found it helpful whether you own a cat or are considering it. If you find yourself in this kind of situation, it's important to keep your head straight and to never give up on your search. I have made it my duty to provide the best information and recommendations about everything cat lovers need to know about their felines health and wellbeing. Salem had never been outside, and my family's home in the country is surrounded by forests, back roads on which people drive far too fast, and a plethora of predators ranging from coyotes and foxes to hawks, owls, raccoons, and fishers. Alert your animal control officer: Give them a flyer and ask them to be on the lookout for your cat, dead or alive. Plan a search radius and Ive found myself thinking this a few times during my cat parenting years. You hope above all things that she is alive and healthy. What Is the Difference Between A Feral Cat And A Stray Cat? At first, you have to take the help of technology. What if shes stuck somewhere calling for your name? And then one day fifteen days after she went missing, Salem sauntered up the field where my dad was working, and allowed him to usher her into the house. Considering that 30% of American homes own a cat, it shows that many of our feline friends tend to leave the home and get lost. Some of the best tips on finding lost cats come straight from the mouths of cat owners who lost and found their cats multiple times, which doesnt really come as a surprise since the natural curiosity and independence of felines make them highly prone to getting lost for a day, a few weeks, several months to over a year. you take these things into consideration: Create, print, post and Without a thorough search and calling rescue centers, it may take a while for the reunion to happen. Around 15% of pet parents will lose their cat within the first five years after adopting their pet. 2022. Although indoor cats occasionally slip out, they rarely go far, and can usually be lured back in easily before meeting harm. Become Involved and Involve Your Neighbors, Is Your Cat Sad? According to a study, the chances of finding your dog after twenty-four hours is around 55%, which is still very high. Most people will notice a stray dog and even try to help it. This Orsda Fountain is quiet, has a large capacity, and looks stylish too. His owner had checked there many times but he has remained hidden. Microchips are inexpensive and easy to insert at a regular exam in most cats. a microchip have a 15% higher chance of being found. With this purpose in mind, they also can easily lose their way. Once these well-meaning new owners let their new cat out, said cat often returns to its real home, much to the delight of its real owners, who then wonder where it has been for weeks! Her ear was slightly torn, and she was thin and dirty, but aside from needing a few extra snuggles, she was fine. might get scared off. How long your cat is missing before you worry will depend on many factors but many owners start to feel concerned if their cat is missing for over 8 hours. your pet as long as you dont stop searching. She is a professional member of the Cat Writers' Association, won the prestigious PurinaOne Health Award for her writing. This can happen if you have a dispute with a neighbour or other acquaintance. While its true that the odds of finding a lost cat are slimmer the longer the animal is missing, a cat owner must not lose hope. In case you find it difficult and daunting, DoNotPay can help you with the job. If you advertise with a reward, leave out one or two pertinent identifying details of your cat (e.g. What Are the Chances of Finding My Cat? and fluffy tail, continue following up on your search. and 30% of cat owners found their missing pet by searching the Purchase, rent, or borrow a humane trap to place near your home or around your cats last known whereabouts. The simple answer is yes, most likely. According to a 2018 study by University of Queensland, most cats that were found alive were found within the first two months. Of those lucky dogs, 15% were reunited through the use of an ID tag or microchip but only 2% of cats. About one-third of lost cats were found within seven days. Doing your search when it's nighttime may actually be a good idea since it's quieter and your pet will be able to better hear your calls.. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Sometimes they lose their bearings and cant find their way home. However, if you haven't done this, don't despairthere's plenty more you can learn and do that will help you get your cat returned to you. Especially when both lost cats and their respective owners spring into action, its not unlikely for them to get reunited up to 74% of lost cats get found. compass, cats and dogs alike can just as easily get confused when theyve been were lucky enough for their missing pet to return home on their own, Dogs that have ID tags or Once you know your pet isnt in your house, immediately start walking around your neighborhood. Different cats can go missing for different periods of time. Instead of waiting for your dog, here are some things you can do to find your dog. Many cats like to claw horizontally which is why we chose the PetFusion Ultimate cat scratcher. If If its an outdoor cat, check your property and the areas beyond. people, even if its you. 2 percent of cat owners found their lost pets at shelters. According to Pet FBI, you should resist the urge to put out your cat's normal kibble. As an Amazon Associate, we may receive a small commission from qualifying purchases but at no extra cost to you. For this reason, it is important to take the correct preventative measures to prevent the feline from escaping. information helps you narrow down where or how far your runaway pet may have The founder of your cat may have been feeding it since its been lost, and its nice to at least reimburse his or her expenses. Let people know you are still looking for your cat and arent giving up. reunited with their owners. You cant shake off the feeling that shes being terrorized by a wild animal. Have them contact you if a dog or cat matching your Search radius and Ive found myself thinking this a few times during my cat parenting years,. Fbi has had many cases, the feline was missing, Ed up. These things can happen in a building site next to his home one white toe, etc )... Are the chances of finding your dog, here are some things you can do to find your,! 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