Please contact the clients' solicitor as soon as possible and keep us updated at all times.". The claimants appealed the decision to allocate the matter to the small claims track. Moreover the solicitor did not warrant that the client had the name by which he appeared in the proceedings. Having so referred to those considerations Judge Hegarty concluded at para 102: "They strongly suggest that the court should not readily impose upon a person rendering professional services an absolute, unqualified obligation amounting, in effect, to a guarantee of his client's identity and title. The case of Blemain Finance Limited v Ridley [June 2012 Darlington County Court] is such an example. Even if the facts and law on liability are relatively straight forward, the application of a remedy may not be. However, while this is a good result for her, it will still have proved to be a very expensive loan. [16] Mr Allison also founded upon the case of Wilson. It does not store any personal data. These ought to have been factors considered by the court when determining whether to allow interest on the damages awarded. In July 2008,BlemainFinance issued possession proceedings to take Mrs Thomas home in relation to four of the agreements. The technology to maintain this privacy management relies on cookie identifiers. Merely as agent, therefore, the agent does not warrant that his principal is solvent, or will perform the contract (if any). The Court also ruled that the charges were unfair as was the term allowing Blemain to charge them. Client of Consumer Reclaim awarded 10,351.41. The pursuer has achieved a modicum of success in terms of her appeal. But its application is not limited to cases where a transaction entered into in reliance on the supposed authority of the agent was with the alleged principal himself. kerala to delhi distance. He had the opportunity to consider the evidence in its totality. However, when it came to quantification of that greater sum, the sheriff had, for no cogent reason submitted Mr Allison, departed from Mr Dougans evidence. The amount of loan being sought by them was 350,000. FEC cases are listed alphabetically with links to summaries and (for some cases) court opinions and other documents. Unauthorised use and or duplication of the material contained on this blog without permission from this blog's author is strictly prohibited. It was signed for acceptance by Mr and Mrs Morgan. Christmas party season prompts drink-drive warning following 239% increase in arrests. [32] Insofar as the reclaimers position was to argue that, under the existing law there could be an implied warranty of authority, in respect of what they called "the identity" of the agent's client, we have already commented on the appropriateness of the use of the word "identity" in this context. The sheriff had cited the effect of the recession and the adverse feedback about the condition of the property as justification for the figure of 160,000. In Elias and another v Blemain Finance Ltd [2021] EW Misc 15 (CC), a circuit judge allowed the claimants' appeal and overturned a district judge's allocation of their case to the small claims track. Electronic Case Filing & Court Records; BEGIN: Electronic Case Filing; ECF Forms, Instructions, and Other Information; Bar Member/Attorney Information Lookup; PACER; Fee and Payment Information; Court Records It is plain that there was evidence from Mr Dougan to the effect that the property had been sold for too little and that with marketing over a longer period it might possibly have fetched 175,000. Mr Allison contended that that approach to matters was entirely illegitimate and that interest should have been allowed. They lend both to individuals. At the beginning of December Ms Sinclair arranged for the transfer of the net balance to the account of Elmwood Contracts as instructed by Mr and Mrs Morgan. That risk normally manifests itself in the fact that, if the agent does not, in truth, have the authority which he claims, the other party will be deprived of any effective redress against the assumed principal. The surveyors report also indicates that alterations have been made to the property and we should be pleased to receive the appropriate building warrants and completion certificates. Moreover, it was, he argued, clear that the sheriff had placed reliance upon Mr Dougans expert testimony when it came to the proposition that a sum greater than 150,000 ought to have been achievable with the passage of further time. By using this website, you are consenting to such use.To find out more and learn how to manage cookies please read our Cookie and Privacy Policy. The starting point is the pleaded value of the claim pursuant to CPR 26.8(1)(a). (See paragraph[18] in Wilson). The submissions made on behalf of the reclaimers in the BFL case founding on breach of implied warranty of authority were otherwise no different from those made in the CMC case. In the BFL case Messrs Balfour & Manson were instructed by the borrowers to prepare the appropriate standard security, in favour of BFL Both firms of solicitors then engaged with Messrs Mellicks Solicitors, acting for the lenders, in relation to the execution of the standard securities. [25] The cross-appeal has failed in its entirety. Boundary disputes, easements and rights of way, How using a Direct Access barrister works. 3. Quite apart from what we consider is clearly and authoritatively the existing law on the matter, we are of the clear view that there are no reasons in principle or practice, for extending the somewhat limited scope and nature of the implied warranty of agents in the way in which the reclaimers' submissions in the present cases contended for. It should be noted that that formulation of principle is but an example of what the courts in England and Wales and, during the 19th century, in the context of certain well known mercantile transactions, namely imply terms into them in the absence of their having been expressly excluded by the parties, to render the contract commercially sensible or workable. National law firm Stephensons represented the family of Claire Louise Morris who died after an act of self-harm in her home in Wythenshawe where she was receiving 24-hour supervision under the care of Jigsaw Hospital, which was run by Equilibrium Stephensons Solicitors LLP is a full service law firm withsolicitors in Manchester,solicitors in London, solicitors in St Helens, solicitors in Warringtonand solicitors in Wigan. We acknowledge the county courts judgment, which found points in favour for both parties, including the rejection of any unfair relationship or irresponsible lending by Blemain. Reference was made to SEB Trygg. The reclaimers in each case advanced the loans in the belief that the borrowers owned the subjects in respect of which the standard securities had been granted. In connection with the pursuers first ground of appeal, Mr Allison made reference to the cases of Gage v HMA 2011 SCL 645 and Wilson v Dunbar Bank plc 2008 SLT 301. 711. That Note set out the basis for his decision. The court held that as a matter of principle it would be wrong to impose strict liability on a solicitor for incorrectly naming his client, - see Buxton LJ in giving the judgment of the court at paras 66 and 67. [4] In the present proceedings, both sets of reclaimers sue the respondents for loss which they aver they suffered through the respondents' breaches of their warranty of authority. [6] Mr Allison highlighted the sheriffs reasoning in paragraph [8] of his Note. Thanks for the referral PT2537. As regards the last mentioned case, without in any respect criticising the decision given in it, Judge Hegarty at para 67 of his judgment said: "It does not follow that, in every case, an agent must be regarded as warranting the identity of his client and not merely the fact that he has authority to act on the client's behalf.". In a case where the parties themselves had agreed to dispense with shorthand notes (and, consequently, no transcript of the evidence was available for the purposes of the appeal) I would be slow to interfere with the decision of the sheriff at first instance unless it could be demonstrated, clearly, that he had misunderstood the facts, applied the wrong principles or arrived at a conclusion which was manifestly unjust (see, generally, Macphail, 3rd Edition at paragraph 18.116). We endorse those views entirely. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. BlemainFinance argued that the repayments had been calculated by a computer and it was not possible to accurately state the true amount of the repayments because the banking system does not deal in fractions of a penny. At page 1361 Waller LJ giving the judgment of the court cited the following from Chitty on Contracts: Specific contracts, 27 ed (1994), Vol 2 page 61, para 31-093: "One who expressly or impliedly warrants that he has the authority of another is liable in contract for breach of warranty of authority to any person to whom the warranty is made and who suffers damage by acting in the faith of it, if in fact he had no such authority. The judgment will be of interest to other Blemain customers, as well as those of other specialist mortgage and secured lending firms. Liam added: The rules governing the content of credit agreements are inflexible and are designed to protect the consumer. Information Commissioner Office number: ZA176000. The proposed security subjects were free of any other mortgage or standard security. [20] In any event, esto the sheriff was entitled to have regard to the shortfall amount, to eliminate what would otherwise have been an appropriate award of interest particularly where the defenders pleadings were silent on that very issue, was, to my mind, of doubtful legitimacy. We use cookies to optimise site functionality and give you the best possible experience. Accordingly, it was argued on behalf of the defenders that the pursuer, on the evidence, ought to have failed when it came to the merits of the action. In addition to being written in unusual terms, the letter refers to a land certificate in relation to a title which is recorded in the Sasine Register. Messrs Mellicks were to be involved in the obtaining of the standard security and were instructed to liaise with the borrowers' solicitor for that purpose. Recent decisions lists contain the 20 most recently rendered court judgments for each BAILII court/tribunal database, in reverse chronological order. But they nonetheless carried out their own checks, which were, in fact, similar to those which had previously been carried out by Excel; and, after they had done so, like Excel, they were content to accept that their client was the person whom he represented himself to be". Having done so, it decided to proceed with the proposal and enter into a transaction with the impostor, albeit on the mistaken footing that his name was James Charles Whittaker Golding, the owner of the property in question. Though they may not have had any specific knowledge of the inquiries made by Excel, they could reasonably have assumed that Excel would have carried out sufficient investigations to satisfy itself as to the identity and creditworthiness of the individual concerned. The instruction letter to Messrs Mellicks noted that a copy of the borrowers' identification documents and a copy of the valuation of the property over which the security was to be taken would follow. It is Blemain's case that they relied on that valuation to loan the owners of the property, Mr and Mrs Sherman, 250,000 by way of a second mortgage. Stephensons Solicitors LLP is a limited liability partnership. 3 pages) Ask a . The reclaimers' sole complaint was that the borrowers, having turned out not to be the owners of the subjects over which the reclaimers wished to have security for their lendings the respondents were in breach of their respective implied warranty of authority. And when they applied in February 2009 to Blemain Finance Ltd for a loan, Mr Cordner said that his income was 21,000.that pre-funding was necessary in order to finance the construction of the development, but Mr Clarke added that had Mr Hone told him, Mr Clarke, to ask for the whole of the purchase price up front.within his own resources or proposed to raise it through other sources of finance. [13] Ground of appeal 3 for the defenders was presented on the hypothesis that the sheriff had been correct to utilise the figure of 160,000 in awarding the pursuer the sum of 10,000 by way of damages. The defenders agent had seen fit not to introduce a counterclaim in relation to the shortfall amount nor were there any pleas in law directed towards the way in which the court should approach the assessment of damages or interest. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Mr Longmuir admitted at the proof that there was an error in that letter. The fact of entering into the transaction with the professed agent, as such, is good consideration for the promise.". VAT number: 144 4752 12. The risk that the law has sought to address by the implication of a warranty of authority is that the agent may not have the authority which he claims; and the justification for such an allocation of risk is that the agent is in much the better position to know or ascertain whether he has the requisite authority. My reluctance to interfere with the sheriffs decision when it comes to the pursuers first ground of appeal is fortified by Lord Reeds reference in the case of, [23] The cross-appeal, in my opinion, falls to be refused in general terms because, in approaching the proof, the defenders did not see fit to place in issue the, [24] In any event, I reject Ms Hamiltons submissions in so far as they sought to call into question the detail and quality of the evidence before the sheriff all in terms of grounds of appeal 1 and 2 for the defenders and that for the reasons mentioned in paragraphs [17] & [18], Preliminary Hearings and Dates of Inquiry, Dealing With a Deceaseds Estate in Scotland, Divorce and Dissolution of Civil Partnership, Criminal Courts Practice Notes and Directions, AC Messenger-at Arms and Sheriff Officers, Simplified Divorce and Dissolution of Civil Partnership Guidance Notes, Dealing With a Deceased's Estate Guidance Notes, Courts, tribunals and Justice organisations in Scotland, Information for those due to attend or visit court, Information on how some court processes work and action you may want to take, Only judgments of significant points of law or public interest, Procedures and practices which apply to courts. He informed the court that he did not make it a requirement that new clients should show this to him before he started work on their behalf, but made it clear that they would require to be produced at some point during any work being carried out by him for them. MrAllison cited section 1(1) of the Interest on Damages (Scotland) Act 1958, as amended, and made further reference to the case of, [11] The principal position adopted on behalf of the defenders largely coincided with grounds 1 and 2 in the cross-appeal. It also oversees the operation of several specialized courts known as problem solving courts. Mr Allisons submission was to the effect that none of these features could properly be said to inform the decision to prefer the figure of 160,000 to that of 175,000 as proposed by Mr Dougan. [1] These two actions raise the same question arriving out of the law of agency. One of the leading and authoritative English textbooks on the topic of agency, namely Bowstead and Reynolds on Agency (19th Edition) at page 581 sets out the following points: (1) Where a person, by words or conduct, represents that he has actual authority to act on behalf of another, and a third party is induced by such representation to act in a manner in which he would not have acted if that representation had not been made, the first-mentioned person is deemed to warrant that the representation is true, and is liable for any loss caused to such third party by a breach of that implied warranty, even if he has acted in good faith, under a mistaken belief that he had such authority. As it was, he had, aside from all else, been denied that opportunity. The following day Mr and Mrs Morgan sent Ms Sinclair a letter containing payment instructions, instructing payment of the loan amount less Balfour and Manson's fees to HSBC for the account of Elmwood Contracts. It is impossible, in our judgment, to point to any material difference between the facts and circumstances of that case and those of the present cases and we are satisfied that the reasoning, just set out, applies equally well to the present cases. 4-5 Gray's Inn Square, London. [6] In the CMC case the fraudsters presented themselves as Christopher Paul Cheetham and Mrs Juliet Cheetham of 34 Danube Street, Stockbridge, Edinburgh, EH4 1NT. LegalBeagles Group uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience and to create a secure and effective website. His decision when it came to the assessment of damages may have been influenced by the foregoing advantage and by the impressions he formed. Ms Hamilton, for the defenders, argued that the absence of evidence regarding what particular steps ought reasonably to have been taken by the defenders meant that there had been insufficient evidence before the sheriff to enable him to conclude that the defenders were in breach of the statutory provision in section 25, [16] Mr Allison also founded upon the case of. He adds: While this decision is not binding on others, it is entirely consistent with other rulings on issues of this type. He explained that he wished to raise money and was keen to have the transaction completed quickly. [33] It follows that in relation to the BFL case the reclaiming motion is refused. By Mike Scarcella. [17] In due course, some time in late September 2004, Balfour and Manson solicitors obtained instructions to act on behalf of Mr and Mrs Morgan. 09220332. It was in the following terms: Loan to Christopher Paul Cheetham and Juliet Cheetham, 34 Danube Street, Stockbridge, Edinburgh, EH4 1NT. that the sheriff had erred in failing to award interest to the pursuer. England and Wales Cases page 45. Call urgently as time is running out for customers to claim as it can be no longer than 6 years from when you paid your loan off to claim. The second letter instructed payment of the funds received from CMC less Mr Longmuir's fees to HSBC, 76 Hanover Street, Edinburgh at an account in the name of Elmwood Contracts. . Court procedure and general guidance; Norther Ireland Court Procedure; Consumer Materials. [2] After proof before answer the Lord Ordinary, Lord Glennie granted decree of absolvitor in both actions. We were advised that commercial lenders, like those involved in the proceedings before us, are not infrequently being made the victims of identity fraud. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. It was pointed out by Mellicks that the standard security required to be signed of even date with the offer letter, which letter had not yet been forwarded to them by their clients. He explained that the original title deeds had been lost. Lastly the court ruled Blemain had used the wrong payment date contrary to the contract therefore the client had been said to be late on her payments when in fact she hadn't So what happens now? Mr Allisons submission was to the effect that none of these features could properly be said to inform the decision to prefer the figure of 160,000 to that of 175,000 as proposed by Mr Dougan. It was a terrible deal [but] at the time I really needed that 30,000, Charles tells Guardian Money. In July 2008, Blemain Finance issued possession proceedings to take Mrs Thomas' home in relation to four of the agreements. It might be argued that, when it comes to the issue of interest, the pursuers third ground of appeal is somewhat tautologous. On 1 November, the day before signing the acceptance of the offer letter, the fraudsters, again representing themselves as Mr and Mrs Cheetham, wrote to CMC on writing paper headed with the address 34 Danube Street, Edinburgh to confirm that the monthly payments in the respect of the loan were affordable by them. The supposed agent will normally know whether he has the authority which he claims, or the ability to determine whether he has such authority; whereas any party dealing with him will not. Blemain Finance - Consumer Action Group Library Activity More All Activity Home Banks, Loans & Credit Other Institutions Blemain Finance 21 hours ago Sunday at 19:34 Twitter - Include the @company's twitter name in your post title - here's why Are you going to pay your builder or your second-hand car dealer in cash or with a bank transfer? As in the CMC transaction the "borrowers" subsequently disappeared, the standard security has proved to be a nullity and no recovery has been made of the sums advanced by BFL. Together with the instructions were included a valuation of the secured subjects by DM Hall and copies of driving licences for both Mr and Mrs Morgan for identification purposes. Debt Collection; Consumer Credit Sourcebook (CONC - FCA rules) Mortgages and secured loans; Legal. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". It was a secret arrangement between Blemaim and the broker, which was nothing less than a bribe. Guardian Money put a number of questions to Blemain/Together. The transaction in this case followed closely the path of what happened in the CMC case. The case pitted Charles, a. Once again, Ms Hamilton sought to challenge the detail and the quality of the evidence before the sheriff in support of a submission to the effect that absent evidence suggesting that a higher offer would have been submitted to the defenders had they taken other steps, no finding could be made against them in terms of section25. Mr Longmuir wrote down a mobile telephone number which they gave him for the purposes of contacting them. (1) (a) The small claims track is intended to provide a proportionate procedure by which most straightforward claims with a financial value of not more than 10,000 can be decided, without the need for substantial pre-hearing preparation and the formalities of a traditional trial, and without incurring large legal costs. Registered office: Cornelius House, 178-180 Church Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 2DJ. In successfully defending the possession proceedings, the legal charges relating to the unenforceable agreements were ordered to be removed from Mrs Thomas property. Ms Hamilton, in particular, adhered to the penultimate sentence of the second ground of appeal for the defenders which suggested that there had been no evidence before the sheriff to support the conclusion that advertising the property in a different way or for a longer period of time or amending the price of the property in a different way would have achieved a higher price. On 11 November Ms Sinclair wrote to Mr and Mrs Morgan asking them to come to her office to sign the standard security and other documents. Complaints Procedure | . There was no attempt on record to challenge the pursuers averments thereanent. In determining that no interest should be awarded in respect of the sum decerned for, the sheriff had relied upon the fact that the sums owed to the defenders had been paid off but subject to a shortfall of 10,645.31. That was a decision of the Court of Appeal and reliance was placed upon it by the reclaimers, in particular, for what is said at page 1363B-D to support their submission that the nature and effect of any warranty of authority is fact sensitive. Mr and Mrs Morgan signed the documents. [11] The principal position adopted on behalf of the defenders largely coincided with grounds 1 and 2 in the cross-appeal. My costs. The respondent in the CMC action is the judicial factor appointed to the estates of a firm of solicitors known as Longmuir & Co who acted in the security transaction to which the action at the instance of CMC relates. The case went to County Court. The way in which the fraudsters went about setting up their fraud was remarkably akin to that adopted by the fraudsters in the present cases e.g. It was submitted, in line with the pursuers first ground of appeal, that there was no evidential basis to justify the selection of that particular sum. Esto the pursuers are not entitled to decree as first concluded for, (which is denied), the second sum concluded for representing a reasonable estimate of the pursuer's loss as a result of Longmuir & Co's breach of representation as to their authority et separatim their breach of the Letter of Obligation, decree should be granted therefor.". Blemain Finance, now Together Finance, found guilty of secret commission within their loan to customer that they paid to the broker. She did not want to sell her flat in Streatham in south London as it was a shared-ownership property, so she went online and was referred to a broker who put her in contact with Blemain Finance. 12. Both companies are in the business of secured lending. But some months after taking out the loan, Charles got into difficulties with her payments to Blemain, and in August 2007 the company issued possession proceedings against her. In a subsequent telephone conversation on 23 November 2004 Messrs DM Hall confirmed the value of the subjects, if a sale had to be effected within 90 days, to be 575,000. But we require to say that the submissions that were made in that respect failed completely to focus on the concept of authority and what was implied by that word. The proceedings related to an unregulated, interest-only, secured loan for 30,000 that Mrs Charles entered into in August 2006. bankers hill insurance It concerned the issue of whether, and if so when, an arrears payment had been received.. As already indicated Scots and English law reach the same result in such questions albeit, perhaps, on occasions using different terminology or concepts. That is made clear in Bowstead and Reynolds at para 9-066 where the writers state: "The basic warranty is only that the agent has authority from his principal: this is something particularly within the agent's knowledge. [31] The judge in Excel went on to supplement his conclusions by reference to what might be described as policy considerations. In connection with the pursuers first ground of appeal, Mr Allison made reference to the cases of, [8] Mr Allison criticised the sheriffs approach to interest on two levels. [29] In the Excel Securities case Judge Hegarty QC, sitting in the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, Manchester District Registry Mercantile Court reviewed this area of law in a comprehensive and careful decision. The application, which was on a Blemain Finance Application Form, was submitted by Mr Hodges-White, a commercial finance broker then trading as Cestrain Business Finance. The sheriff principal, having resumed consideration of the pursuer's appeal and the defenders' cross-appeal, refuses the latter and in respect of the former allows same in part; varies the. The Commission brings enforcement suits in U.S. District Courts when matters are not satisfactorily resolved through the administrative enforcement process and sues to enforce administrative subpoenas. Counsel for the reclaimers accepted that if the decision in that case fell to be considered to be good law for Scotland then they would fail on the main point raised by them in both cases, namely the scope of any implied warranty of authority by the respondents. If, therefore, he never had authority to act on behalf of the principal or if his authority has terminated or if he exceeds the scope of his authority, he will be in breach of the implied warranty and will be liable in damages to any person to whom the warranty was given. Im 66 and into my retirement I didnt expect to be in this position of still owing this debt. Firstly, under reference to paragraph [9] in the sheriffs Note, having explicitly precluded consideration of the shortfall for the purposes of determining the principal sum due to the pursuer, the sheriff then decided that the existence of the shortfall, [9] Secondly, Mr Allison stressed that the defenders pleadings were silent both as to, [10] Ground of appeal 3 was a development of the main theme inherent in ground of appeal 2, viz. The agency also defends suits contesting its dismissals of administrative complaints, petitions for review of Commission decisions regarding the presidential public funding program and civil suits challenging the constitutionality of provisions of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) and the validity of the Commission's regulations. It must be well aware of the commercial risks involved in making such loans, including the risk of fraud and, in particular, identity theft. Stephensons consumer team is one of the leading specialists in the country in dealing with debt problems on behalf of clients. For my part, I can see no justification why risks of this kind should be transferred from the shoulders of a commercial concern such as Excel on to those of a professional firm such as BM Solicitors.". Of new posts by email highlighted the sheriffs reasoning in paragraph [ 18 ] in Wilson.. [ 6 ] Mr Allison also founded upon the case of Wilson and general guidance ; Norther Ireland procedure. Proof before answer the Lord Ordinary, Lord Glennie granted decree of absolvitor both... Are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns from all else, been denied opportunity... By Mr and Mrs Morgan Ordinary, Lord Glennie granted decree of absolvitor in both actions and into my I. 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