Its almost like when we buy a car. Love the things you shared. Fortunately, for me, it clicked the way I hoped it would, a lot of five-star reviews. Its just the one method of many. You cant fake it. That was one that I used a lot. You can do anything in life just to feel good or if youre a person who goes into a lot of the negotiations, why dont you take five past points of negotiation that you got that you enjoyed? So long story short, I dont do very much right now, even though I always have means by which I can flip a switch and do the copywriting and do the marketing consultant again. In this episode, I speak with entrepreneur and #1 best-selling author Andrew Kap. To give ideas that I havent followed through on yet, along with what you said, when travel gets a little bit lighter for people in this day and age. Its such a weird, esoteric, and intangible thing, but the fact that you show up in a unique way, which affects how the other person shows up. Otherwise, you wouldnt be at that table, to begin with. Its been this weird thing where it, again, because I was so intentional about making it over-deliver, it very easily clears the pathway where if I reach out to a podcast, Im not sure what happened with you specifically, but if I reach out to a podcast and I tell them about the book, well, they just got to go on Amazon and see the reviews. Its pretty remarkable to see, so thank you. They were still going to have to hear about each other at a minimum. I have tinkered with the idea of mastermind groups and things of that nature. Whether you are the little guy or not, when youre encompassing that role or taking that role or fitting that role upon yourself, youve got to understand that youre always valuable. You could take a month off. Maybe when I say, Do X, Y, and Z in the step. Theyll do Z, Y, X. One of my other favorite quotes from my martial arts instructor is, People are screwed because we are composed mostly of water and electricity. The fact of all the science and all the studies that have been done that revolve around being grateful, and gratitude, and bringing gratitude into your life, and how that creates this both positive self-image, this desire to be good to other people, your fellow human beings, et cetera. First 30 seconds, youd be like meh. She split it in half with him. Maybe you can tell me what can I bring to this? What is my company or organization bringing thats giving you guys value? Rip this to shreds if Im wrong, but the way I see it is like, all of a sudden, youve opened the door where theyll say, We want you for your distribution. Im like, Lets talk about that. Whats your true motivation and true experience in the moment when youre doing it? Not to kill your calendar, Christine, but get Christine on your team. Its a dangerously fine line to walk. You cannot put them on a shelf and you cannot ignore them. I do a lot of David and Goliath negotiation working with smaller organizations negotiating with big companies. Its clear what limited vision I have into your world. Obviously, Ive got the YouTube channel also. What does it mean? Hes been featured on Yahoo multiple times for the same amazing thing. There is a myriad of ways of doing this that goes specific, tailor-made to your situation that you could get a lot out of. Before I did this road, I was a marketing consultant and I did copywriting for other people. All of a sudden, you notice people in the office are talking to you a little bit better. I can say that I really care for people. This negotiation that a person is listening to now, not only is the negotiation valuable in the sense of what youre doing then, but its when that becomes good, and I hope Im not butchering this, you gain experience points. To me, gratitude means appreciating and acknowledging what you have. In this episode, Andrew Kaplanjoins Christine McKay to explain how the Law of Attraction works and how you can do it properly to bring you the success you have always dreamt of. So maybe the first thing is a present, followed by a future, followed by a past, followed by who knows what. And obviously, youve done really well with what youre doing. Listen to this informative Publish. And then people say thats an overused term, but I dont care. I would only find out years later that I was the inconsistent one. The greatest thing in the world is sometimes not knowing how youre going to get something because then it lets you off the hook for having to figure out how to do it. Your book has sold over 50,000 copies. So what I've actually got a WORLD EXCLUSIVE for you today. Right. Its all about doing it in a way that works for you. Lets shift gears again and talk a little bit about what the book has done for you. We need to worry about the negotiation, our business, or another paycheck. episode with Andrew Kap about the law of attraction and The Last Law of Attraction Book You Will Ever Need. Part of the reason that people share this book is because they, again, its not an act. If she doesnt like it, she can sue me.. Thats the lack of the result. And some people like to write, and some people dont. And from that relaxed space, I dont worry like, Oh, I better not say this thing because thats giving them too much and I better get something in return. I want to go back to, are you speaking it to being by gritting your teeth with fear, uncertainty, and doubt, or have you got yourself enough feeling good about the situation that thought naturally occurs to you and you express it verbally when its already there? Within two weeks, I feel better, which is saying a lot with a broken heart. How are you helping people? No one can replicate anyone elses magic. So, Im a huge proponent of taking action. Subconscious mind is doing a lot of heavy lifting. Hes right, it is. And then they lose their job, and then within a year, theyre making that money again. My team saw you and theyve been pestering me. So, thats what I do every single day. So, Im assuming that this is your first book. All it knows now where you are in your life, in your business, in your health, and everything. He was featured in Forbes as one of the 21 books to read in 2021. Its making an impact that I imagine you hoped it would make. Thank you very much. Five of those things are from their past, five of them from the present, and five of them are things that they want in the future. Joy to me isnt just a result. Interesting. I think youve given great value today. Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. Were going to list all these things out in the present tense, where, if you read your list to someone else, a stranger, theyd have no idea what the truth was, what happened, whats going to happen. Regarding my business, theres the book and all the formats its available. That makes so many more dynamic possibilities and such a stronger more efficient when, for lack of a better term, for both parties as you continue to move forward with longer, better, more productive, and efficient deals. But then, and Im borrowing this term. And of course, rich is defined in many different ways. Ive been riding that wave of momentum ever since. But 90 seconds, 120 seconds. Im sure that it bleeds over into many aspects, even in your negotiation style as well. Yeah. When you start thinking in an abundance mindset and thinking about the possibilities, the world opens up for you. If youre negotiating with a huge company, it doesnt matter. Now, is that the one that you use or is that a primary one for you, personally? This was almost $2.5 million worth of assets and he gave her everything. But Id like to get your viewpoint on that. This is not a first time. You will let inspiration come and youre still going to do work but your action will be inspired. Youre making an impact not on my life through what you teach, but on the lives of people who I am around and who I am influencing as well. Your brain, your subconscious mind is the greatest supercomputer ever. Thats not the point of what Im about to ask. And I was trying so hard to give value in here, I didnt really want to waste time. And Im sitting there in my chair or wherever and thinking about it. Are you viewing these things as a chore, rather than a choice as something that you have to do versus something that you get to do, whether its five minutes of gratitude or visualizations, whatever it might be? This title is a bold promise. Profit Podcast. All I know is that we as humans, dont downshift easily. Shes not a numbers person, she was freaking out, she thought that he was trying to screw her. Andrew Kap, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read: The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting Your Desires 1 likes Like "We're all "magnets." And what we focus on is magnetized to us. Thats 2/3 of your list, and 2/3 of your list has happened already. When I make that claim, its like, oh my God, I just said, Im going to do this. Were part of a mastermind group together. So, Ive structured it in the way where the book is enough. Actually, I designed the cover myself really early in the process. So, this part of your mind, the ego, it loves you. Maybe. Absolutely. Thank you for having me and let me say that the feeling is more than mutual. Is part of it that, I got my journal here. So I took that book and I meditated on it. Im happy to be here and ready to go. Can you imagine being this ant and looking up this hill? I cant imagine how much bigger this hill would seem to an ant. And if someone really wants extra, theyve got the YouTube on top of that. I think oftentimes we get in that web of like, well, I gave this, I better get that. For me, living out of the back of my car, homeless, on welfare for a long time, Im grateful that I got out of my car. It was trying to make it so they werent pulling this past into the future and that they were living in that moment. Their relationship with still going to be around. Its an important question and people can ask, not only in negotiations but in many aspects of their lives. Im bringing that up because what you did here is what I love. You want to take an honest look in the mirror at yourself because the more personal your stuff is, the more universal it is. From that, Im pretty sure that the way he carried himself in those job interviews or even in the emails that he sent out to reach out for a cover letter. Well said, my friend. Air and oxygen are there for you. When youre doing the method to get the result, youre not realizing that youre focusing and reinforcing the energy and awareness to the universe and your subconscious mind that you dont have the result. If someone wants to work with me individually, honestly, I dont have my business set up for it. Maybe the first thing in the list is a present, followed by a past, followed by another past, followed by a future. The Gravity DEX is just the start of cross-chain trading of Cosmos tokens. But this was the method that I used, that I attribute most, to helping me turn around my finances. But tell me, what is your business? So, just to say, Im fully aware of the fact that if I do want to go this road, and I will as long as I feel comfortable that Im serving my audience and giving them something that they cant already get out of what Ive already given them, doing live events, doing masterminds, doing group calls, doing stuff like that is a very easy transition, and a very sensible strategic, just intelligent decision to go down. Youre taking this thing and youre applying it to negotiation, even though you dont have to. When you start thinking about possibilities and how this benefits you in a negotiation, you can have ten things on a list that youre negotiating. Now the ego, as I define it, way stronger than the conscious mind, but nothing matches up with the subconscious. And, conveniently for me, because this isnt, excuse me. -- Based on the #1 Best Seller: "The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read." This channel will provide fun and unique . Heres the thing that I love about it. I dont think theres any doubt about that. So, could you, in a few minutes, give us some background on what one of these gratitude visualizations might look like? Arent I supposed to do the methods to get results? Yes and no. So, I was just wondering if there were those elements in play. My daughter and I were hiking and I happened to see this board that showed different animals on it and one of them was the eagle. Ms . Its a mismatch of their intention and their style, and who I was as a person. You could read it aloud. She knows her stuff. Theres a lot going on. But youll even get my silly sense of humor, which I strategically use to make points in there. I love that. Sometimes its going to go full circle. You have your magic and they have theirs. It is being taken care of and regulated for you. The person you recommend it to is not going to regret it. You could take a week off now. In my book, Im meticulous about making the exact step-by-step instructions so people that want to follow that can. If anyone, I know for me, if someone could have answered that question for me years back, I would have taken it in a heartbeat. Are we tricking our vibration to connect with the universe? Weve got a conscious mind. Its amazing. One person can say, Ill take some of this yoke because were supposed to get an equal amount, when they only care about the shell and the other two people dont care about the shell. Im not playing around here. Thats a very simple little process. Some people like that. So, hes had a front row seat to me writing the book, publishing the book, all the five-star reviews piling in, all the sales piling in, all the emails, all this stuff. Its obviously doing things for others. And youre just having a good time. And were going to jumble up this list now. I mean, this isnt a title; this is a promise. No. It continues to be ranked number one, number two, number three in multiple categories, hypnotherapy, other law of attraction type categories. This isnt a weight training book, this isnt a nutrition book, its a law of attraction book. Ill acknowledge that. What it usually does is, it usually creates an opportunity or an opening to ask more questions in a different way. In this episode, we talk about tapping into gratitude to create an effective, everyday routine. It could be as simple as having a group where theres accountability, and theres a membership aspect to it. Andrew Ayers Stanton (born December 3, 1965) is an American filmmaker and voice actor based at Pixar, which he joined in 1990. So, Im doing what I can to offer the content in a user-friendly, consistent, easy, just turnkey type of way. It gives you room for that curiosity. Theres so much more to abundance thinking than scarcity thinking. Love it. The beauty of it is I dont have to be right for people to achieve or experience or enjoy a result. And theyre going to remember me for it. The internal financial thermostat is there. You could have created a completely different and more amazing relationship if you stopped looking at only the list. Andrew hold. And if I may add one more thing here. That is literally the title. Ill say this, and Im not a gamer so hopefully, Im not butchering this explanation, analogy, metaphor, or whatever it might be. Its working. Not that it cant turn around anyone for anything else. And I got very few things. I love that because I started Andrews Gravity of the Cosmos Program. But thats the thing that knows your fears, uncertainties, and doubts. Kindle paperback, audio book. Once you know that you want or you think that you want something from somebody, your emotions are fully engaged. Theres a recognition that things arent perfect, but what you want to do strategically is be more grateful and put more focus on the good. And whether its 90 seconds or three minutes or five minutes, I just describe all the things that Im grateful for. I didnt say that I wanted her to split it 50/50 but its like, This is how I envisioned this unfolding, and I felt confident about it. Im grateful that welfare existed as a way for me to be able to rebuild. The reason I want to bring this up because besides the fact that we had your take on it and besides, heres this now this classic way, how do we apply this negotiation? Its all in the present tense. Have you recognized that? I didnt think much of it. Are they looking for an escape at this event? The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting Your Desires. For someone else, they might experience that and they brush it aside. If three people want the egg, how do you divide it? Theyve been pestering like, Youve got to get this guy. You want to win. Im not using textbook terms here, or Im not using textbook definitions, but weve got three minds. Youre trying to give me this book, and its got all these methods. Ive written a couple of other books pseudonymously. The way I interpreted it is its not just confidence, its a relaxed confidence. When you acknowledge that its about the relationship, let that door open, and all the possibilities are there, now you just got to be able to think about what it is that you want out of those possibilities. Complete Author Guide to Royalties in 2023, The benefits of taking confident and inspired action to chase your goals, How bypassing your ego to overcome your fears will access your more powerful, subconscious mind to contribute to your success, The role that gratitude plays in keeping you positive and manifesting your dreams, How delivering and producing products for your clients is effortless when you are motivated by a sense of service to others, Generating a sales machine through under-promising and over-delivering. When the book sells 50,000 copies, Im putting it out there. It allows you to be more observant because youre standing more in your power. Theres a social currency to recommending something to somebody else thats going to help them. We have a conscious, and we have a subconscious and in the middle, weve got that ego, which is stronger than the conscious mind, but nothing compared to the subconscious. Im super happy to be here, and excited to go down whatever road you want to talk about. Love it. We did the present, past, future technique, which is a cool technique where you write something down about your present that you are grateful for. The reason I have the luxury of not having to do that extra stuff is because, again, Ive already built in my ecosystem of value, which I think helps with the volume. So, weve got this list of past, present, future. As long as theyre still getting that benefit, as long as theyre feeling good, thats all that matters. I believe the fact that he took those data points and the fact that he allowed himself to accept the fact that he can be paid that much. Promote. You havent gotten to the future thing yet, but you write it in the present tense. You may or may not know, but this kind of success isnt normal. Yeah, no, I love that. Ive been thinking about it for a year and nothings happened. Youre going to look good here. Today, I'm giving you 4 of my most powerful tips for successfully visualizing the life of your dreams and sending out the perfect signal to the Universe so t. The universe finds that similar vibration and mirrors back the experiences, even the holograms of whats going to happen, which is a long-winded way of saying what you think about comes into your life. Meaning, sit on your couch, visualize, experience gratitude, let those things go in. What are the questions I can ask to have a better awareness so they can have a better real result? When we become afraid that something is or is not going to happen, one of the things that I use is one of his mind models. Ever need the Last law of attraction and the Last law of attraction book,. Done for you this isnt a title ; this is a present, future Yahoo multiple times the. Some people like to get results might experience that and they brush it aside to results! 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